Answer the questions given below.

a) Name the poet of the poem " The Voice of the Rain " .
= Walt Whitman is the poet of the poem " The Voice of the Rain ".

b) What does the rain give to its own origin ?
= The rain gives life to its own origin.

c) Who asks the question to the soft falling shower ?
= The poet  Walt Whitman asks the question to the soft falling shower.

d) How does the shower fall ?
= The shower falls very softly.

e) Who gave an answer to the poet ?
= The soft falling shower gave an answer to the poet.

f) What does the voice of the rain say ?
= The voice of the rain says that it is the poem of the earth.

g) From where does the rain rise ?
= The rain rises from the land and the bottomless sea.

h) Who is the poem of the Earth ?
= Rain is the poem of the Earth.

i) What will happen if there is no rain ?
= If there is no rain in the earth there would be drought and atomies. Only dust layers will cover the surface of the globe. Without rain seeds will never sprout and they will remain dormant and unborn.

j) Why does the rain descend to the earth ?
= The rain descends to the earth to lave the droughts, atomies and the dust layers of it. It also comes down to give life to its own origin and to make pure and to beautify it.

k) How is the  cyclic movement of the rain brought out in the poem " The Voice of The Rain " ?
= The rain  continuously rises to the sky out of the land and the bottomless sea  in the form of vapour. In the sky the vapour wanders in the form of cloud. While passing through cool air the vapour turns into raindrops and come down to its birth place to beautify it, and again rises to the sky. In this way the poet has brought out the cyclic movement of the rain in the poem " The Voice of the Rain " .

m) What does the rain do day and night ?
= Day and night the rain gives life to its own origin.

n) There are two voices in the poem " The Voice of The Rain " . Who do they belong to ? Which lines indicate this ?
= There are two voices in the poem " The Voice of The Rain " . One belongs to the poet and the other belongs to the rain. The line " And who art thou ? " indicates the voice of the poet, and the line " I am the poem of the earth ." indicates the voice of the rain.  

 Read the following lines and answer the questions that follow.

And who art thou ? said I to the soft falling shower,
Which, strange to tell gave me an answer, as here translated :
I am the poem of earth, said the voice of the rain,
Eternal I rise impalpable out of the land and the bottomless sea.
Upward to heaven, where vaguely formed altogether changed, and yet the same


a) Name the poet of the poem of these above lines.
= The Voice of the Rain is the poet of these above lines.

b) Who asks the question to the soft falling shower ?
= The poet  Walt Whitman asks the question to the soft falling shower.

c) How does the shower fall ?
= The shower falls very softly.

d) Who gave an answer to the poet ?
= The soft falling shower gave an answer to the poet.

e) What does the voice of the rain say ?
= The voice of the rain says that it is the poem of the earth.

f) From where does the rain rise ?
= The rain rises from the land and the bottomless sea.

g) What is the poem of the Earth ?
= Rain is the poem of the Earth.

k) Find the word in the passage that refers to " something that can not be touched " .
= In the passage the word ' impalpable ' refers to " something that can not be touched " .

I descend to lave the drought, atomies, dust layers of the glob,
And all that in them without me were seeds only, latent unborn;
And forever, by day and night, I give back life to my own origin.
And make pure and beautify it.


a) Where do these lines occur ?
= These lines occurs from the poem " The voice of the rain ".

b) What does the rain give to its own origin ?
= The rain gives life to its own origin.

c) What does the word ' origin ' signify here ?
= Here the word ' origin ' signifies ' the earth '

d) Find the word in the passage which means ' small or tiny particles ' .
= In the passage the word ' atomies ' means ' small or tiny particles '

e) Find the word in the passage that means ' the earth ' .
= In the passage the word ' globe ' means ' the earth ' .


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