

 Turn The Following Sentences Into Negative Without Changing Its Meaning. 1. She is a good girl. = She is not a bad girl. 2. Maya always speaks the truth. = Maya never tells a lie. 3. Chiku is a regular student. = Chiku is not an irregular student. 4. Only I can do this. = None but I can do this. 5. She gave me only money. = She gave me nothing but money  6. She will forget me. = She will not remember me. 7. I shall remember you. = I shall not forget you. 8.You are as tall as I = You are not taller than I 9. She must pay the loan. = She can not but pay the loan. 10.You must finish the work. = You can not but finish the work. 11.Only God can save her. = None but God can save her. 12.My grandfather is too weak to walk. = My grandfather is so weak that he can not walk. 13.The bird is too small to fly. = The bird is so small that it can not fly. 14.He loves you. = He does not hate you. 15.Every rose has a thone. =  There is no rose without a thone. 16.Every problem has a solution. = There

Voice Change of Imperative Sentence

VOICE CHANGE OF IMPERATIVE SENTENCE The sentences that make us request, order and advice are called Imperative sentence. Imperative sentences are always in present tense. Imperative sentences start with a verb or some requested words while Assertive sentences start with a subject and Interrogative sentences with an auxiliary verb. Though the subject in the imperative sentences can not be seen, there is a single subject to all the imperative sentences, and it is ' You' . Example a) Water the flowers. b) Copy the note. c) Please help her. d) Don't go there. Not all imperative sentences are necessarily commands. They can be social expressions. For example Get well soon Have a nice day. Have a sweet dream. Imperative sentences are of three kinds. They are - i) Sentences of request ii) Sentences of order iii) Sentences of advice        SENTENCES OF ORDER The sentences that make an order are called sentences of order. They starts with an verb. Example  i) Don't go there. ii)


     MY IMPRESSION OF ASSAM Give short answer of the following question. a) Who wrote the prose piece , 'My Impression of Assam " ? = Dr. Verrier Elwin an eminent British author and anthropologist wrote the prose piece, " My Impression of Assam ." b) What is a great and precious thing, as according to Verrier Elwin ? = Tradition of hospitality and friendliness is a great and precious thing in this modern world of competition, as according to Verrier Elwin. c) Name the Wild Life Sanctuary of Assam visited by Dr. Verrier Elwin. = " Kaziranga Wild Life Sanctuary " is the wild life sanctuary of Assam visited by Dr. Verrier Elwin. d) Where did Dr. Verrier Elwin spend a lot of time in Africa ? = In Africa Dr. Verrier Elwin spent a lot of time in its famous Game Sanctuaries. e) Where can one see the treasures of Assam tribes ? = One can see the treasure of Assam tribes in  Oxford and Cambridge. f)Who make splendid decorations on their houses ? = The Thangkhuls of


    THE VOICE OF THE RAIN Answer the questions given below. a) Name the poet of the poem " The Voice of the Rain " . = Walt Whitman is the poet of the poem " The Voice of the Rain ". b) What does the rain give to its own origin ? = The rain gives life to its own origin. c) Who asks the question to the soft falling shower ? = The poet  Walt Whitman asks the question to the soft falling shower. d) How does the shower fall ? = The shower falls very softly. e) Who gave an answer to the poet ? = The soft falling shower gave an answer to the poet. f) What does the voice of the rain say ? = The voice of the rain says that it is the poem of the earth. g) From where does the rain rise ? = The rain rises from the land and the bottomless sea. h) Who is the poem of the Earth ? = Rain is the poem of the Earth. i) What will happen if there is no rain ? = If there is no rain in the earth there would be drought and atomies. Only dust layers will cover the surface of the globe. With


Q) Your school / college has celebrated ' Cleanliness Week ' , organizing a number of programmes and competitions. Write a report in about 150 words to be published in a local newspaper. CELEBRATION OF CLEANLINESS WEEK BY PRESIDENCY SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL Staff report Gargaon Jan 24: The students of Presidency Senior Secondary School along with their teachers has celebrated cleanliness week in their school campus from today. On this occasion the whole campus of the school was cleaned and decorated with green flowers.              The first programme of the day was cleanliness drive throughout the school campus. The students cleaned the school campus and planted approximately 1500 saplings along its boundary. They also went to the areas adjoined to the school and did the cleanings . The effort of the school was praised by the local people and they came forward to help the students.               Different events like poster making, slogan writing, essay writing debate, quiz etc

Write a letter to your best friend telling him / her about your favourite song.

Q) Write a letter to your best friend telling him / her about your favourite song.   Priyabat Boruah Siukapha Nagar                                               22nd April, 2021 My Dear Friend I hope my letter will find you in your best spirits and health. I am also hale and hearty here . Today I have written this letter to tell you about my favourite song. You know that I am very fond of listening music. Whenever I get time I listen music. Basically, I like to listen Bihu songs. My favourite song is " Borokha Potharot " by Meer Deep. I like this song very much. Till now I have listened this song more than thousand times. My favourite singer is Jubeen Garg. His voice is so sweet that no one can but love it. He is the heart throb of many youths. I listen every song of him. At last I offer my cordial affection to you and  your parents. I   am  doing   well by God grace. And don't forget   to    tell  me about     your   favourite song. Yours most affectionate Priyabat Boru


ONE WORD SUBSTITUDE FOR ALL THE COMPETITIVE EXAMS  A word which has the opposite meaning with another -Antonym One who is all power - Almighty One who makes things out of iron - Blacksmith One who makes bread - Baker One who sells meat - Butcher One who works in timber - Carpenter One who sells fruits and vegetables - Greengrocer One who cuts hair - Barber One who mends shoes - Cobbler One who criticizes everyone around him- Cynic One who cures  sick people - Doctor One who speaks many language - Polyglot One who takes a bright view of things  Optimist One who takes a dark view of things - Pessimist One who is self centrer - Egoist One who dies for a noble cause is - martyr One having no father and mother - Orphan One who is an absolute ruler - Autocrat One who knows many language - Linguist One who looks after horses at an inn - Ostler One who goes to visit holy places - Pilgrim One who travels from place to place for pleasure - Tourist One who hates mankind - Misanthrope One who love