

   MADAM RIDES THE BUS Write whether the following statements are true or false. a) Valliammai was called Valli in short. = True b) Valli's favourite pastime was to draw paintings. = False c) Valli travelled in a lorry. = False d) Valli informed her mother about her journey by bus. = False e) Valli's wish was to ride the bus. = True f) Valli could reach the town in the bus in thirty minutes. = False g) The conductor addressed Valli as madam. = True h) Valli clapped her hands with joy at seeing a cow running in front of the bus. = True i) Valli was  very curious about things. = True GIVE SHORT ANSWER OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS. a) Who wrote the story, 'Madam Rides the Bus' ? = Vallikkannan wrote the story , 'Madam Rides the Bus' . b) Who was Valliammai ? = Valliammai was a little girl of eight years old who was very curious about things. c) What was Valli's favourite pastime ? = Valli's favourite pastime was to stand at the front doorway of her house and


                  THE HAPPY PRINCE NCRT SOLUTIONS Q) Where did the friends of the little Swallow go ? Where had he stayed ? = The friends of the little Swallow went to Egypt and he had stayed behind in his country. Q) Why do the courtiers call the prince ' The Happy Prince' ? Is he really happy ? What does he see all around him ? = The courtiers call the prince ' The Happy Prince' because when he was alive and had a human heart he did not know what tears were and sorrow was not allowed to enter the place he lived in. All the people in his state were very happy and wealthy.            No, now he is not really happy. All around him , he sees troubles and sorrows of his people. Q) Why does the Happy Prince send a ruby for the seamstress ? Why does the swallow do in the seamstress house ? = The seamstress was very poor and her face was thin and worn. She was embroidering flowers on a satin grown for the loveliest of the Queen's maids of honour, to wear at the following


LONG QUESTIONS FOR FIVE MARKS 1) Why did Griffin became a homeless wanderer ? Why did he slip into the big London store and what did he do there ?  = Griffin was a brilliant scientist who carried out experiments after experiments to make human body invisible. Though Griffin was a brilliant scientist, he was rather a lawless person. He had no home of his own. He lived in a rent house. His landlord disliked him and tried to eject him. In revenge Griffin set fire to the house and thus, he became a homeless wanderer.            Without clothes Griffin could not wander about London. The air was bitterly cold. So, he slipped into the big London store to warm himself. In the big London store he broke open the boxes and wrappers and fitted himself with warm clothes. He entered the kitchen of the restaurant and had cold meat and coffee. After taking a meal with sweets he settled down to sleep on a pile of quilts. 2) Why was Griffin wandering the street ? = Though Griffin was a brilliant scienti


Give short answer of the following questions. a) Who is Sir Edward Gait ? = Sir Edward Gait was the Lieutenant Governor of Bihar. b) Who was Rajkumar Shukla ? = Rajkumar Shukla was a poor sharecroppers of Champaran district in Bihar. c) Whom did Gandhi and Shukla proposed to meet at Patna ? = At Patna Gandhi and Shukla proposed to meet Rajendra Prasad a prominent lawyer of Bihar. d) Where was Rajkumar Shukla from ? = Rajkumar Shukla was from Champaran in Bihar. e) Name the Lieutenant Governor who summoned Gandhi in June . = Sir Edward Gait is the Lieutenant Governor who summoned Gandhi in June. f) Who was Devadas ? = Devadas was the youngest son of Mahatma Gandhi. g) Who was Kasturbai ? = Kasturbai was the wife of Mahatma Gandhi. h) " Who had read our minds correctly. " Who made the comment ? = Rajendra Prasad made this comment. i) Where did Gandhi decide to go first from Patna ? = From Patna Gandhi decided to go to first Muzzafapur which was on the way to Champaran. j) What


ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS 1) Who is the author of the prose - piece entitled ' The Ailing Planet: the Green Movement's Role" ? = Nani Palkhivala an Indian jurist and liberal economist is the author of the prose piece - " The Ailing Planet: the Green Movement's Role" . 2) Which animal is considered " The World's most dangerous animal" ? = 'Man' is the animal that is considered as " The World's most dangerous animal" .  3) Who said the tropical forest is ' the power house of evolution ' ? = Dr Myers said the tropical forest is ' the power house of evolution '. 4) When was the world's first nation wide Green party founded ? = The world's first nation wide Green party was founded in the year 1972. 5) Where was the world's first nation wide Green party founded ? = The world's first nation wide Green party was founded in New Zealand. 6) Who authored ' The Global Economic Prospect' ? =


Q.1) Choose the correct meaning of the italicized words from the alternatives given in brackets. a) ....... hunch you shoulders .......      ( raise / cut / nag) = Raise b)....... is a languid emerald sea .....     ( Tensed / relaxed / turmoil ) = Relaxed c)...... my ' hushed bare feet .....      ( noisy / compassion / silent) = Silent d).......tower is tranquil and ......          (calm / commotion / clamour ) = Calm e) There is a languid emerald sea          (Green / blue / White) = Green Q.2) True or False a) Amanda is a boy. = False b) Amanda is a school going boy. = False c) Amanda likes to bite her fingers. =True d) The sole inhabitant in the emerald see is an octopus. =False e)Amanda likes to have chocolates. = True f)Amanda is asked to take a bath. = False g) Amanda thinks herself as Rapunzel. = True Q. 3) Give short answer of the following. a) Who is Amanda ? = Amanda is a school going girl who does not want to be instructed by her elders. b) What does Amanda like to

Poor condition of roads in your locality

Q. You are Chipling Sharma, Tengapukhuri. Now write a letter to the editor of an English daily drawing the attention of the concerned authority to the poor condition of roads in your locality. Chipling Sharma Tengapukhuri To The Editor The Assam Tribune Dibrugarh 28th Sept. 2021 Sub:- Poor condition of roads in                            Tengapukhuri, Sivasagar Sir            Through the column of your esteemed daily I would like to draw the attention of the district authority to the poor condition of roads in our locality.            All the roads and lanes in our locality are in a dilapidated condition. They are filled with pot holes. During the rainy seasons the rain water collects in them and make it impossible for us to walk on it. People of our locality have to suffer a lot for the bad condition of the roads. They can not reach their office in time. The students are also victim of it. The situation becomes worse at night. The gravels upon the road often causes accidents of vehicl