Give short answer of the following questions.

a) Name the writer of the prose piece " Landscape of the Soul " .
= Nathalie Trouveroy is the writer of the prose piece " Landscape of the Soul " .

b) Who was Wu Daozi ?
= Wu Daozi was a great painter who lived in China in the eight century.

c) Name the emperor who commissioned  Wu Daozi's a painting of a landscape.
= The Tang Emperor Xuanzong commissioned the last painting of Wu Daozi.

d) Name the blacksmith who fell in love with a painter's daughter .
= Quinten Metsys a master blacksmith fell in love with a painter's daughter.

e) Where did Quinten sneak ?
= Quinten sneaked into a painter's studio .

f) What did Quinten paint on a panel ?
= Quinten  painted a fly on the panel.

g) What is the concept of ' Shanshui ' ?
= The concept of ' Shanshui ' is mountain water.

h) What was Wu Daozi's painting ?
= Wu Daozi's painting was of a landscape.

i) Who was Quinten Metsys ?
= Quinten Metsys was a master blacksmith who lived in Antwerp in fifteenth century.

j) Why did Quinten Metsys enter the studio of his beloved's father ?
= Quinten Metsys entered the studio of his beloved's father to draw a fly on the latest painting of him.

k) Where did a spirit live in the Wu Daozi's last painting ?
= In the Wu Daozi's last painting the spirit lived in a cave which was at the foot of the mountain.

m) Where did Quinten Metsys belong to ?
= Quinten Metsys belonged to Antwerp.

n) Who were Confucius and Zhuangzi ?
= Confucius and Zhuangzi were the famous writer of ancient China.

o) What does the word "Dao" mean ?
= The word "Dao" means both the path or the method and the mysterious works of the universe.

Answer the question given below.

a) What was Daozi's last painting about ?
= Wu Daozi's last painting was a landscape depecting wonderful scene. The painting displayed discovering forests, high mountains, waterfall, clouds floating in an immense sky, men on hilly paths, birds in flight.

b) Why did the painter not draw the eye of the dragon he had painted ?
= The painter did not draw the eye of the dragon he had painted because of his fear. He thought that if he drew the eye of the dragon it would fly out of the painting.

c) Why did Tang Emperor Xuanzong commissioned the last painting of Wu Daozi ?
= The Tang Emperor Xuanzong commissioned the last painting of Wu Daozi to decorate a wall of his palace.

d) How did Quinten Metsys marry his beloved ?
= Quinten Metsys was a master blacksmith. He fell in love with a painter's daughter. The father would not accept a son-in-law is such a profession. So, Quinten sneaked into the painter's studio and painted a fly on his latest panel with such delicate realism that the painter took the it as a real one and tried to sweat it away. Quinten was immediately admitted as an apprentice into his studio. He married his beloved and went on to become one of the most famous painters of his age.

e) Describe and  contrast the feature of the Chinese and European art landscape.
= A classical Chinese landscape is not meant to reproduce an actual view as would a western figurative painting and does not choose a single viewpoint. His landscape is not a 'real' one and we can enter it from any point. The artist creates a path for our eyes to travel up and down . The European painter wants us to borrow his eyes and look at a particular landscape exactly as he saw it from a specific angle. The European painting reproduce an actual view of a real object.

f) What do " mountain and water " represent in Shanshui ?
=  In Shanshui  " mountain-water " is used together to represent the word 'landscape'.

g) What is the concept of 'Shansui' ?
= Literally the meaning of Shanshui is ' mountain-water' and it is used to represent the word 'landscape'. These 'mountain water' and 'landscape' represent two complementary poles, reflecting the Daoist view of the universe. The 'mountain water ' Yang reaching vertically towards heaven, stable, warm and dry in the sun; while the water Yin is horizontal and resting on the earth, fluid, moist and cool. Here Yang is masculine and Yin is feminine


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