Give short answer of the following questions.
a) Who was Albert Einstein ?
= Albert Einstein was the greatest physicist since Newton.

b) Who defeated the French at Waterloo ?
= The Prussians defeated the French at Waterloo.

c) Who is Mr Braun ?
= Mr Braun was the history teacher of Albert Einstein.

d) What question does Mr Braun ask Albert ?
= Mr Braun asks Albert the question " When did the Prussians defeat the French at Waterloo ? "

e) Who  thinks learning facts is not education ?
= Albert thinks that learning facts is not education.

f) Who is Elsa ? Where did she live ?
= Elsa is the cousin of Albert Einstein. She lived in Berlin.

Q) What was the Mathematics teacher Koch's opinion about Albert's mathematical Knowledge ?

= Mr. Koch was the mathematics teacher of Albert Einstein. He had no doubt about Albert's mathematical knowledge. He believed that he could no longer to teach Albert ; rather he would soon be able to teach him. He was certain that Albert is ready to enter a college or institute for study of higher mathematics.

Q) Who was Elsa ? What did she tell Albert about passing in the exams ?

= Elsa was Einstein's cousin who lived in Berlin. She told Albert that it is not so difficult to pass the exams. To pass the exam one does not have to know anything. He does not have to understand the thing taught in the class. He just be able to repeat it in the exams. She told Albert to recite the answers and repeat them in the exams like a parrot.

Q) Why does Albert think that learning facts is not education at all ?

= Einstein does not think that learning facts is education because he does not see any point in learning dates as one can always look them up in a book. According to him education is not facts but ideas. He does not see the point in learning the dates of battles or even which of the armies killed more men. He would be more interested in learning why those soldiers were trying to kill each other.

Q) What was Einstein idea of education ?

= Einstein had a clear cut view on education. He thinks that education is not of facts but ideas. According to him learning dates is not education at all because one can always look them up in a book.

Q) Who was Ernest Weil ? Describe how did he help Albert.

= Dr Ernest Weil was a medical student who just qualified as a doctor. He was a best friend of Yuri. He helped Albert by giving him a medical certificate of nervous breakdown.

Q) Albert Einstein felt the medical certificate ' almost burning a hole in his pocket ' - Explain.

= Albert thought that with the help of the medical certificate he would be able to keep away from his school for six months. He did a lot of effort to get the medical certificate from Dr Ernest Weil. The day when Albert took the medical certificate to the headmaster to show him, the headmaster himself send him for to his office and told him to leave the school of his own accord. Albert did not get the chance to show the headmaster the certificate. Before showing it, he had to be expelled from his school. So, Albert felt the medical certificate ' almost burning  a hole in his pocket ' .


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