Q) Write a short essay on Kaziranga National Park.


          A    park   which  is  protected   by the     government    for     conservation purposes   of   plants   and  animals is called      national     park.       Kaziranga National Park is one of the most famous national parks in the world. Basically, it is famous for  its one horned rhino. It is located  in the  districts of Golaghat and Nagaon of Assam.

            UNESCO declared Kaziranga as a World Heritage Site in the year 1985. At first  it  was  not known  as  its   present name.   It  was   known   as     Kaziranga Proposed Reserve Forest. In 1916, it was named as  Kaziranga   Game  Sanctuary. But this  name   did  not  suit. So  it  was renamed    as    Kaziranga     Wild      life Sanctuary   in  the year 1950 by the P. D. Stracy.   In    the    year   1974    it    was designated as a national park.

            The   world   famous    Kaziranga National Park is a home to animals like wild water buffaloes, Indian wild boar, sambar,    barking   deer,    hog     deer, leopard, indian gray mongoose, white browed gibbon, monkey, capped langur and   different kinds of birds, reptiles and   insects;  and also   is  gifted with a wide   variety   of flora  and fauna. The most interesting aspect of this park is that two - third of the world's great one horned   rhinoceros   are found here. It also has    the highest density of tigers among the protected areas in the world, and was declared as a Tiger Reserve in 2006.

          Thus, Kaziranga is pride of Assam. Many tourists from all over the World come to visit this national park. The government should take urgent and strict steps to preserve it and to save its animals from the hands of the poachers.

Q) Write a short essay on Covid -19                        

                               COVID 19

Corona virus which is commonly called Covid - 19 is an infectious disease. It directly causes illness in the respiratory system of human. The first corona case was identified in the city of Wuhan, China in December 2019. The World Health Organization named it as COVID - 2019.

The virus of Covid mainly spread through air when an infected person coughs, sneezes, sings and speaks before another person.

 People with Covid 19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported like fever, cough, shortness in breath or difficulty in breathing, fatigue muscle or body ache, headache, loss of taste and smell, sore throat, congestion or running nose.

Covid - 19 is a fatal disease. So it should not be neglected. There is no invention of its prevention till now. Many lakhs of people around the world have to lose their lives in this deadly disease. In India we have lost lacs of people for this Covid - 19 virus.  Social distance, self isolation, face mask are the some prevention or precaution for Covid - 19 virus.  We should follow the covid protocols of the government to prevent  this fatal virus in distance.

 Write an short essay in not more than 150 words on the topic " Your School Library " .

                  Our School Library

          A book is the life blood of an author. Books are called the best friend of  man. So for having the best books every school should have a library. A library is a place where books on different subjects are kept. The school library is for the use of students and teachers.

          We have also a library in our school. Though the library is very small in size, it is a very beautiful as well as useful one. The name of our library is " Saraswati Puthibharal " . It is situated in the heart of our school and was established in the year 1985 after 50 years of the establishment of our school. Mr. Rajat Hatimuria is the librarian of our library. He is very friendly and amiable  one to the students.

          There are about 5000 books in our library. We have different books on different field of literature, science and technology. There are two reading rooms in our library. One is for the senior students and the other is for the junior students. Whenever we get time we go to the library and study whatever we pleased. We are given two books to take home in a week. We have some strict rules and regulation in our library and we have to follow them. 


       A man enjoys the company of those who he loves. He can not live alone. We long for a close relationship with other people outside our family. This is why we needs friends. They help us at the hour of need. Besides, we need them to share our joys and sorrows.

       Friendship is a precious thing. It often brings out the great virtue in us. It develops in us mutual love and respects, and teaches us how to get on with those we care for and love. A true friend is a real boon in life. A true friend is one who stands by his friend in weal and woe. He shares not only his joys but also sorrows. He is selfless in his love. A true friend acts as a friend, philosopher and guide. A true friend is an asset of life. We should beware of false friends. A false friend is not a friend at all. He is a cheat. He stays with us  so long  as we are well off. The moment we fall in danger or evil days he goes away. He is not ready to help us in our need. He is an ungrateful person.

       We must be careful in choosing our friends. In the society there are people both good and bad. It is often seen that in the guise of friends some bad characters with selfish  interests often cause great harm to us. We should make friendship with the good. We should avoid the company of the evil. We should make friendship with a man of character only.

         There is a proverb that a man is known by the company he keeps. We must not keep company with the wicked. A true friend is an asset and should be valued.


   Discipline means learning to obey rules. It is the habit of doing thing in an orderly and systematic manner. The importance of discipline is felt in every step of life. At school, students will have to learn to obey school rules. If a student does not obey the rule of school, he will learn nothing at school. Even in games, there must be discipline. A team must obey its captain and rules of the game.

             Discipline is essential in student life. If a student acquires the habit of doing thing in a disciplined way, he is sure to succeed as a student.  In public life, discipline is of great value. Discipline ensures peace and prosperity in the society. Indiscipline means chaos in the society. A government can not run unless there is discipline among the staff. We also must be disciplined if we want to make our country prosperous.

            Discipline is the backbone of character. We should learn this habit from our childhood. We can become disciplined only by learning to control our tempers and our selfish desires. We must learn to do what is right.

           FLOOD IN ASSAM

Like all other natural calamities flood also creates a great havoc to the life of the people. The ravage of flood and its consequences are beyond description. Rural poverty and general backwardness have been further aggravated by floods occurring every year. Flood is the burning problem of Assam. Every year during summer, Assam has been under the grip of floods. During monsoon it pours enough here in this area. The rivers of this region are unable to contain so much water. As a result the water overflows their banks causing flood

Assam is a the land of two mighty river system centering the Brahmaputra and the Barak. Each year these two river and their tributaries cause floods in vast area of Assam. The geographical setting of the region, high intensity of rainfall of the South West Monsoon, easily erodible geographical formation aggravates floods in Assam

The effect of the flood can be better imagined than described. Flood causes terrible lose of life and property. Thousand of people are rendered homeless. Their houses are flooded and their cattle and goods get washed away. Many villages and towns are submerged forcing  inhabitants to flee for life. Flood destroys properties worth crores of rupees. crops are destroyed and cultivable lands go under water. The rush water of flood washed away many bridges, roads get destroyed and communication links are disrupted. In other words flood causes untold misery and terrible economic hardships. It also results in the spread of water-borne diseases and various types of communicable diseases. It also causes a rise in the price of essential commodities and creates scarcity of food and fresh water. It leads to general famine in the area and aggravates the problem of rural poverty and backwardness.

The misery of the flood victims is untold. As soon as flood occurs, the government immediately takes certain relief measures. Army personnel carry out rescue operations. Many international bodies like the Red cross societies, Lions International Rotary club etc. also come forward with help for flood victims. Many student organisations come forward to help the flood victim people.

the main preventive measures consist of steps such as, the construction of check-dams and reservoirs, establishment of several river-valley projects, creation of embankments , dredging of riverbeds, etc. But these


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