Most Common Questions For H S L C  Examination 2023
Who wrote a letter to God and Why ?
= Lencho wrote a letter to God. Lencho wrote a letter to God seeking one hundred pesos because his cornfield was totally destroyed in the hailstorm.

Why did Lencho write the second letter to God ?
= Lencho wrote the second letter to God to complain Him against the post office employees and seeking the rest thirty pesos.

 Why did Lencho go out in the rain ?
= Lencho went out in the rain for no other reason than to have the pleasure of feeling the rain on his body.

 Describe the destruction caused by the hailstones in Lencho's fields. 
 = In the hailstorm all the corns of Lencho was totally destroyed . The flowers were gone from the plants and even not a leaf remained on the trees. After all, the hailstorm brought a total destruction to the corn field of Lencho.

How did the postmaster collect the money to send to Lencho?

= It was not so possible for the postmaster to collect one hundred pesos altogether. So, he asked for some money from his post office employees and requested several friends of him to give something for an act of charity. Moreover, he himself gave a part of his salary. In this way the postmaster collected seventy pesos to send to Lencho.

Why did Lencho write a letter to God ?

= Lencho was a poor farmer . His corn field was totally destroyed in the hailstorm. So, Lencho wrote a letter to God seeking one hundred pesos to sow his field again and to live until the crops comes.

How did the rain change? What happened to Lencho's field ?

= The rain suddenly changed into a strong wind and then very large hailstones began to fall along with the rain. 

                    In the hailstones Lencho's cornfield was totally destroyed. Not a leaf remained on the trees and even all the flowers were gone from the plants.

What did Lencho write in the first letter to God ?

= Lencho wrote in the first letter to God, " God, if you don't help me, my family and I will go hungry this year. I need a hundred pesos in order to sow my field again and to live until the crop comes, because the hailstorm...... "

 What did Lencho write in the second letter to God ?

=In the second letter, Lencho wrote, " God: of the money that I asked for , only seventy pesos reached me. Send me the rest , since I need it very much. But don't send it to me through the mail because the post office employees are a bunch of crooks. Lencho."

 Why did Lencho call the post office employees a bunch of crooks?

= Lencho expected one hundred pesos in the letter from God. But he received only seventy pesos. He was sure that God could neither make a mistake nor deny what Lencho had requested. He thought that the rest thirty pesos of his letter was taken by the post office employees . That is why Lencho called the post office employees a bunch of crooks.

Why did Lencho write the second letter to God ?

= Lencho received only seventy pesos in the letter from God. He thought that the rest thirty pesos of his letter was taken by the post office employees. So, Lencho wrote the second letter to God to complain Him against the post office employees and seeking the rest thirty pesos

 "The only thing, the earth needed...."  What "only thing" did the earth needed ?

= The only thing that the earth needed was a downpour or at least a shower.

What were Lencho's  feeling when the hail stopped ?

= The hail totally destroyed Lencho's corn field. When the hail stopped, his soul filled with sadness. He was so upset that he could do nothing but stood in the middle of the field and said to his sons that a plague of locusts would have left more than the hail. 

Why was it that Rajvir was not interested in reading his favourite detective stories during his journey to Assam ? Why did not Pranjol share the excitement of Rajvir  on seeing a tea garden ?
= Rajvir was not interested in reading his favourite detective books during his journey to Assam because at that time he was keener on looking at the beautiful scenery of tea garden and paddy fields outside the train.
                Pranjol did not share the excitement of Rajvir on seeing a tea garden because he was brought up in a tea garden and a tea garden was a common thing for him.

What does courage mean to Mandela?

= Mandela learnt the  meaning of courage from his comrades in the struggle. According to him courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.

How did the policy of apartheid affect his country ?

= The policy of apartheid affected the people of South Africa very badly. It created a deep and lasting wound in them. It deprived  them of all of their rights and respect. It led them to live a life of  brutality. After all, all of them have to suffer a lot for it.

 What "twin obligations" does Mandela mention ?

= According to Mandela every man has twin obligations in life. The first obligation is to his family, to his parents, to his wife and children; and the other obligation is to his people, his community and his country.

 What is the view of Mandela about the wealth of the country ?

= Mandela had a clear- cut view about the wealth of his country. According to him his country is rich in minerals and germs; but he had always known that its greatest wealth is its people, who are finer and truer than the purest diamonds.

 What did Mandela yearn for as a young man in Johannesburg ?

= As a young man in Johannesburg Mandela yearned for the basic and honourable freedoms of achieving his potential, of earning his keep, of marrying and having a family of his own.

 What did being free mean to Mandela as a boy, and as a student ?
= As a boy Mandela's freedom was to be free to run in the open field near his mother's hut, to swim in the clear stream that ran through his village, to roast mealies under the stars and to ride the broad backs of slow-moving bulls.

               As a student being free mean to Mandela to be able to stay out at night, to read what he pleased and to go where he chose.

 What ideals does Mandela set out for the future of South Africa ?
= Mandela sets out very good ideals for the future of South Africa. He along with his people pledges to liberate all the people from the continuing bondage of poverty, deprivation, suffering, gender and other discrimination. They also pledged that their beautiful land will never again experience the oppression of one by another.

What was Mandela's opinion about the people of South Africa ?
= Mandela had a clear cut opinion about the people of South Africa. According to him the people of South Africa is the greatest wealth of it. They are finer and truer than the purest diamonds.

 Who were the prominent persons that struggle against apartheid ?
= Oliver Tambo, Walter Sisulu, Chief Luthuli, Yusuf Dadoo, Bram Fischer and Robert Sobukwe were the prominent persons that struggle against apartheid.

What did the white skinned peoples of South Africa do after the bitter Anglo-Boer war ?
What did the white skinned peoples of South Africa do in the first decade of the twentieth century ?
What did the white skinned peoples of South Africa do before the birth of Nelson Mandela ?
= After the bitter Anglo-Boer war, the white skinned peoples of South Africa patched up their differences and erected a system of racial domination against the dark-skinned peoples of their own land.

 What does depths of oppression create in South Africa ?
= In South Africa the depth of oppression created men of great characters like Oliver Tambos, Walter Sisulus, the Chief Luthulis, the Yusuf Dadoos, the Bram Fischers, the Robert Sobukwes etc.

 What is amphitheatre ?
= Amphitheatre is an open circular or oval building with a central space surrounded by tiers of seats.

 What do the military generals do ? How has their attitude changed, and why ?
= On the inauguration day the military generals  saluted Nelson Mandela . Before they did not salute him, but arrested him. After Nelson Mandela becoming the President of South Africa, their attitude totally changed and they saluted him and pledged their loyalty.

 What could Amanda do if she were a mermaid ?
= If Amanda were a mermaid she could live a very peaceful life in the emerald sea far away from her relatives where  there would be no one to instruct her, and she would be very happy to lead a solitary life.

Is Amanda a student ? How do you know ?
= Yes, Amanda is a student. In the poem Amanda is asked whether she had done her homework or not. This tells us that Amanda is a student.

 Where does Amanda roam ? What does she do with her bare feet ?
= Amanda roams the street of her village. With her bare feet she draws pattern on soft dust.

Why does Amanda want to be an orphan ?
= Amanda thinks that the orphans are very happy as they have no one to instruct them. Moreover, they can do whatever they want and go wherever they want. That is why Amanda wants to be an orphan .

 Why does Amanda want to be Rapunzel ?
= Amanda's parents or her elders instruct her anytime anywhere which she does not like at all. She always longs for a tranquil and solitary life where there would be no one to instruct or scold her. On the other hand the life of  Rapunzel in the tower is tranquil and rare. That is why Amanda wish to be Rapunzel.

 What could the tiger have been doing if it were in its natural habitat ?

= If the tiger were in its natural habitat , it would have been lurking in shadow near the water hole for its prey and terrorising the villagers by snarling around their houses. Moreover, it would have been playing and roaming under the open sky along with its friends.

Where should the tiger be lurking ?

= The tiger should be lurking in shadow near the water hole sliding through long grass.

 What is a Water hole ?

= Water hole is a natural source of water in a forest or jungle where the animals come to quench their thirst.

Why do the animals come to the Water hole ?

= The animals come to the water hole to quench their thirst.

Where should the tiger be snarling ?

= The tiger should be snarling around the houses at the jungle edge.

 Why did Custard the dragon cry for a nice safe cage ?

= Among all the pets of Belinda only custard the dragon was a far - sighted one. He could realise that their cage is not safe for them and it can not save them from their enemies. That is why Custard the dragon cried for a nice safe cage.

Give a pen picture of the pirate ?

= The pirate was very horrible in his appearance . His beard was black and one leg was of wood. He always carried two pistols in both his hands. After all, the pirate meant no good.

 Why did Ink and Blink gyrate around the dragon in glee ?

= Ink and Blink gyrated around the dragon in glee because it saved their lives from the hands of the pirate who came to kill them.

 How was Custard the dragon received after he had killed the pirate ?

= Custard the dragon was warmly welcomed by Belinda and her pets after he had killed the pirate. Belinda embraced him. Mustard licked him, and Ink and Blink gyrated around him in glee.

 Give a description of the fight between Custard dragon and the pirate ?

= Though the dragon was a small one , he fought with the pirate very bravely . Snorting like an engine and clashing his tail like irons in a dungeon, he went at the pirate like a robin at a worm. The pirate fired two bullets at the dragon but they did not hit him and, at last Custard gobbled him every bit.

How did Custard the dragon save Belinda from the pirate ?

=  Custard the dragon saved Belinda from the pirate by killing and gobbling him


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