G K on Assamese Literature and Culture

 1. Who is the first Assamese writer nominated for " Man Asian Literary Prize 2011' ?

= Jahnovi Barua

2. The smallest book written by Shankardev is

= Gunamala

3. Who is the father of Assamese story ?

= Bhattadev 

4. The first Civil servant from Assam was

= Anandaram Barua

5. What was the name of the first Assamese colour film ?

= Bhaity

6. The first Assamese printed book was

= Dharma Pustak by Atmaram Sarma (1813)

7. The first Assamese daily newspaper was

= Dainik Batori

8. The first Film Fare award winning Assamese singer is

= Parbin Sultana

9. Who is the author of Pita Putra

= Homen Borgohain

10. Who is the author of Darrang Rajbangshavalli ?

= Surjyakhari Daivagya

11. The first poetical work of Shankardev is

= Harichandra Upakhyan

12. The first work from Madhavdev was

= Janma Rahashya

13. Who was the first editor of Arunodoi ?

= Nathan Brown

14. In the year 2011 the Padmashree award was conferred on

= Mahim Bora

15. In which year was Dr. Bhupen Hazarika awarded Dada Saheb Phalke Award ?

= 1992

16. Hasti Vidyarnava Was composed during the reign of

= Siva Singha

17. In which film Dr. Bhupen Hazarika sang for the first time ?

= Indramalati

18. Who is the first Sonnet writer of Assam ?

= Hemachandrta Goswami

19.  Who built the temple of Umananda ?

= Godadhar Singha

20. In which year the Assamese film 'Mon Jai' got the award national award Rajat Kumar ?

= In the year 2010

21. Which of the North-East states celebrates ' Garia Puja'

= Tripura

22. What is the classical dance of Manipur ?

= Rasa Leela

24. Who is the first Assamese translator of the Ramayana ?

= Madhab Kandali

25. The first Assamese short story collection " Suravi" was written by

= Lakshminath Bezboruah

26. Who is the author of ' Abhiyatri '

= Nirupoma Borgohain

27. The first Assamese play to be broadcast over All India Radio in 1935 was ?

= Been Bairagi

28. Who is the author of " Jivanar Batat " ?

= Bina Barua

29. The first Postal Stamp released in the name of Assamese writer 

= Lakshminath Bezbaruah

30. " Sekreny " festival is mostly celebrated by which tribe ?

= Agami

31. Horse Dance is associated with 

= Khampa

32. Which festival is celebrated by the Kuki tribe ?

= Mimkut

33. " Hozagiri dance " is specially for 
= Reang Community

34. "Mamthu" is a dance of which tribes

= Singphos

35. The ' Melo Phita ' dance is celebrated by

= Agami Tribes

36. The first Assamese full length comedy film is

= Ito Sito Bahuto

37. ' Dahikotora is a work of

= Raghunath Choudhary

38. Litikai is a work of

= Laxminath Bezbaruah

39. Who wrote " Aghari Atma Kahini ?

=  Sayyad Abdul Malik

40. Who is the author of "Asomia Lora Mitra" ?

= Anandaram Dhekial Phukon

41. " Antareep " is the work of whom ?

= Bhabendra Nath Saikia

42. Ruprekhja is a work of 

= Prafulla Chandra Barua

43. Who is the author of ' Alakananda " ?

= Nalini Bala Devi

44. For which book did Nalini Bala Devi achieve Sahitya Academy Bota ?

= Alakananda ( 1968)

45. Who is the author of the book " Assamese its Formation and Development "

= Dr. Banikanta Kakoti

46. Who is the author of the book " A few Remarks on Assamese Language " ?

= Anandaram Dhekial Phukon

47. Who is the author of the book " Gonga Chiloni Pakhi " ?

= Lakshmi Nandan Bora

48. Who was the editor of " Assam Padya Buranji "

= Surya Kumar Bhuyan

49. " Kathanibari Ghat " a collection of stories was written by

= Mohim Bora

50. Who is the author of " Monchalekha " ?

= Atul Chandra Hazarika

51. Who is the author of the novel " Lahori " ?

= Padmanath Gohain Barua in the year 1892

52. Who is the author of the first historical novel " Bhanumoti " ?

= Padmanath Gohain Barua in the year 1890.

53. Who is the author of the book " Asomia Sahitya Buranji " ?

= Debendranath Bezbarua

54. Who is the author of the book " Parampara " ?

= Hiren Gohain

55. Who is the author of the book " Akhan Aranya " ?

= Umakanta Sarma

56. Who is the author of the book " Kokadeutar Har " ?

= Navakanta Barua

57. Who is the author of the book " Kapiliparia Sadhu " ?

= Navakanta Barua

58. Who is the author of the book " Iparor Ghar Siparor Ghar " ?

= Nirupoma Borgohain

59. Who is the author of the book " Mariam Astin Athaba  Hira Barua " ?

= Arupa Kalita Patinga

60. Who is the author of the novel " Yaruingam " ?

= Birendra Kumar Bhattacharya

61. Who is the author of the book " Padum Konwari " ?

= Laxminath Bezbarua


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