G. K. Indian History

1. When was the ' Quit India Movement " launched by Gandhi ?

= In the year 1942

2. By what other name is the ' Quit India Movement '  known ?

= August Kranti ( 8 August 1942 )

3. In which movement did  Gandhi use the slogan ' Do or die ' ?

= In the   ' Quit India Movement '

4. In the absence of Gandhi, the Quit India Movement had been led by 

= Aruna Asaf Ali

4. Where was the Quit India Movement started ?

= The Quit India Movement was started from Bombay

5. Meerabai belonged to

= Rajasthan

6. Motilal Nehru established Swaraj Party after the failure of

= Non-co-operation movement

7. Who said first " Swaraj is my birth right and I shall have it ?

= Bal Gangadhar Tilak

8. Mahatma Gandhi was referred to as the ' Father of Nation ' first by 

= Subhas Ch. Bose

9. " East is East, West is West and never twin shall meet " Who said this word ?

= Adolf  Hitler

10. Who is called the heroine of the Quit India Movement ?

= Aruna Asaf Ali

11. Who was the first woman President of the Indian National Congress ?

= Annie Besant

12. Who was the founder of Muslim League of India ?

= Nawab Salimullah Khan

13. Non-co-operation movement was started in which year ?

= Non-co-operation movement was started in the year1920

14. In which year  was the Indian National Congress formed ?

= In the year1885

15. Where was the first session of Indian National Congress held in ?

= Bombay

16. When did Shimla Summit start ?

= In the year1971, June 28

17. Who is the author of " Poverty and Un-British rule in India "

= Dadabhai Naoroji

18. Dadabhai Naorji is also known as

= The Grand Old Man of India

19.  Rani Laxmi Bai died fighting against the British in the battle of 

= Gwalior

20. Who introduced Zamidari System in India ?

= Lord Cornwallis

21. Mahammud Ghazni raided Somnath temple in Gujarat in the year

= 1025

22. Which language was the official language of the Satvahans ?

= Prakriti

23. The Sun Temple is located at which place 

= Konark

24. The first battle of Panipat was fought in the year 


25. The great bath was excavated in 

= Mohenjo-daro

26. Who composed Meghdoot ?

= Kalidas

27. The original name of Mahabharata was

= Jaya Samhita

28. Harshacharita, the biography of Harsha was written by


29. When did the Indian National Congress split for the  first time ?

= In the year 1907 at Surat

30. Ajatsatru was the king of which dynasty ?

= Haryanka

31. The Gandhara Art flourished during the period of 

= Kushan

32. Annie Besant together with Bal Gangadhar Tilak started the movement was -

= Home Rule Movement

33. What decision was taken by The Indian National Congress during the Second World War ?

= It would support the British if India is granted complete Independence

34. The Non-co-operation movement was started in the year-

= 1920

               ASSAM HISTORY

 1. Where was the last capital of Kachari Kings ?

= Maibong

2. The medieval era of Assam was started from-

= The year 1206

3. Who was the earliest king of ancient Assam ?

= Maniranga Danava

4. Chandibar was related to

= Shankardev

5. To Whom did the Ahoms apply the term " thapita- Sanchita " ? 

= Kachari kings

6. The first Turkish force to enter Kamrup was led by 

= Muhammad-Ibn-Bukhtiar

7. Which dynasty marked the beginning of ancient Assam in the 4th century ?

= Varman Dynasty

8. Who was the first king of the Varman dynasty ?

= Pushyavarman

9. From which year the Varman dynasty started in Assam-

= 350-650

10. Who introduced the Posa system ?

= Pratap Singha. 

11. Dimapur was the capital of which kings -

= Kachari Kings. 

12. The Chutia kingdom was annexed by the Ahoms during the reign of-

= Suhungmung

13. Chand Khan the disciple of-

= Shankardev

14. The Tamralipi in ancient time was famous as-

= Sea-Port

15. The usual shape of Koch coins was-

= Round

16. Who was the contemporary of Pushyavarman in India ?

= Samudragupta

17. What was the kingdom of the Varman dynasty ?

= Pragjyotishpur

18. What was the born name of Maniram Dewan ?

= Maniram Dutta Baruah

19. In which language was the inscription of the Koch kings written  ?

= In Sanskrit

20. The Gohain Kamal Ali connected -

= Koch Behar to Narayanpur

21. Raghudeba was the son of-

= Chilarai

22. Who was the Kamrup ruler who left his seal at Nalanda ?

= Bhaskarvarman

23. Dimapur was situated on the bank of the river-

= Dhansiri

24. Which incident is also known as Assam's Jallianwala Bagh incident ?

= Patharughat firing

25. In which year did the Chinese pilgrim Hiuen Tsang visit Kamrup in which year ?

= 643 A.D.

26. Which was the capital of the king Harjaravarmadeva ?

= Hatapeswara

27. The Silasaku stone Bridge of North Guwahati was constructed by the-

= Kamrupa

28. Who wrote Prahlad-Charitra ?

= Hema Saraswati

29. The temple of Tamreswari Mai built by the Chutia kings was dedicated to 

= The goddess Tamreswari

30. During Bhaskarvarman's reign, the royal treasury was in charge an officer called-

= Bhanadaragaradhikara

31. The temple of Umananda to dedicated to the God-

=  Siva-Parvati

32. Who is regarded as the greatest king of the Varman dynasty ?

= Bhaskarvarman

33. Who was the last king of the Varman dynasty ?

= Bhaskarvarman

34. What gift did Yuan Chawang accept from Bhaskarvarman ?

= Ho-la-li

35. The Mughal general who occupied Gargaon was-

= Mir Jumla

36. What was the Tai Ahom name of Bamuni Konwar ?

= Sudangpha

37. Who was Salasthambha ?

= Salasthambha was the founder of Mlechchha dynasty

38. Through which pass of Patkai ranges of hills the Ahom dynasty entered in Assam ?

= Pangchu Pass

39. Who was the first Assamese to fight against British ?

= Gomdhar Konwar

40. In which year was the treaty of Ghilajhari Ghat signed ?

= In the year 1663

41. The post of Borpatra Gohain was created by-

= Suhungmung

42. Name the Ahom king who married the Koch princess Mongaldoi.

= Sukhampha

43. Who was the contemporary of Bhaskarvarman in India ?

= Harshavardhana

44. Mula Gabharu died fighting against-

= Turbaq

45. Who first created the post Bar-Phukon ?

= Pratap Singha

46. The first battle fought by the Ahoms against the Mughals was -

= Bharali

47. The Ahom first used the Saka era during the reign of

= Suhungmung

48. The first Ahom Barbarua was

= Momai Tamuli

49. Bhaskarvarman attended the great religious councial at -

= Kanauj

50. Who was the first king in Assam to perform ' aswamedha Yagna ' ?

= Mahendravarman

51. Where was the account of the ancient era of Assam history of the 4th century found ?

= In Samudragupta's Allahabad Pillar

52. Who was the progenitor of the Koches ?

= Haria Mandal

53. The shape of Ahom coins were-

= Octagonal

54. Srimanta Sankardev was able to establish 'Ek Saran Nam Dharma' during which king's rule ?

= Naranarayan

55. " Tungkhungia Buranji " is written by

= Srinath Barbarua

57. After the fall of the Varman dynasty , which dynasty ruled in Assam ?

= Mlechchha dynasty


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