G K from Indian Constitution for all competitive Exams

G K From Indian Constitution

1. The Preamble to the constitution declares India:-
a. A sovereign democratic republic
b. A socialist democratic republic
c. A sovereign socialist secular democratic republic
d. None of the above

Ans:- c. A sovereign socialist secular democratic republic

2. The preamble of the Indian Constitution  has been amended so far :-
a. Once
b. Twice
c. Thrice
d. Never

Ana:- a. Once

3. The preamble of the Indian Constitution was amended by the :-
a. 42 amendment
b. 44 amendment
c. 24 amendment
d. 43 amendment

Ans:- a. 42 amendment 

4. The 42nd Amendment of our constitution introduced :-
a. Directive principles of the state
b. Fundamental duties
c. Schedule VII
d. None of the above

Ans:-   b. Fundamental duties

5. The Fundamental Rights of Indian citizens are contained in :-
a. Part III of the constitution
b. The seventh schedule of the constitution
c. Part IV of the constitution
d. None of the above

Ans:- a. Part III of the constitution

6. India borrowed the idea of incorporating Fundamental Rights in the constitution from:-
a. The constitution of USA
b. The constitution of Canada
c. The constitution of France
d. The constitution of Britain

Ans:- a. The constitution of USA

7. What is the maximum age for the President:-
a. 70 years
b. 65 years
c. 80 years
d. There is no ager limit

Ans:- d. There is no ager limit

8. Which one of the following is not a Fundamental Right
a. Right to property
b. Right to move freely throughout the country
c. Right to education
d. Right to constitutional remedies

Ans:- a. Right to property

9. What is the chief source of power in India:-
a. The constitution
b. The people
c. The parliament
d. The parliament and the state legislatures

Ans- a. The constitution

10. The final authority to make a proclamation of emergency rest with:-
a. The Prime minister
b. The President
c. The council of ministers
d. The Supreme court

Ans:- b. The President

11. The constitution of India describes India as :-
a. a ' union of states '
b. a unitary states
c. a federation of states and union territories
d. quasi federal

Ans:- a. a ' union of states '

12. Which of the following courts is responsible for the enforcement of Fundamental Rights:-
a. Supreme Court
b. High Court
c. District and sessions court
d. Both (a) and (b)

Ans:- d. Both (a) and (b)

13. How many types of emergencies are envisaged by the constitution ?
a. 6
b. 2
c. 5
d. 3

Ans:- d. 3

14. How many times has a national emergency been declared so far by the President ?
a. Twice
b. Thrice
c. Only once
d. Never

Ans:- b. Thrice

15. Which one of the following three types of emergencies has been declared the maximum number of times ?
a. National Emergency
b. State Emergency
c. Financial Emergency
d. All three equal number of times

Ans:- b. State Emergency

16. How many times has the President declared Financial Emergency so far ?
a. Once
b. Twice
c. Thrice
d. Never

Ans:- d. Never

17. Which States sends the Maximum representatives to the Lok Sabha ?
a. Assam
b. Uttar Pradesh
c. Madhya Pradesh
d. Himachal Pradesh

Ans:- b. Uttar Pradesh

 18. Who presides over the joint session of the parliament ?
a The speaker
b. The Vice- President
c. The President
d. The Prime Minister

Ans:- a The speaker

19. The Lok Sabha is called in  session at least ___ a year:-
a. Once
b. Twice
c. Thrice
d. Four times

Ans:- c. Thrice

20. The advice of the Supreme Court is :-
a. not binding on the President
b. binding on the President
c. binding on the President if it is tendered unanimously
d. binding in certain cases and not binding in others

Ans:-  a. not binding on the President

21. Can one person acts as  Governor of more than one state ?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Only for six months
d. Only for three months

Ans:- a. Yes

22. The contingency fund of the state is operated by :-
a. The Governor
b. The Chief Minister
c. The State Finance Minister
d. By all the three jointly

Ans:- The Governor

23. The judge of the High Court retire at the age of :-
a. 60 years
b. 62 years
c. 65 years
d. 70 years

24. The Indian federal system is modelled on the federal system of:-
a. USA
b. Canada
c. Australia
d. New Zealand

Ans:- Canada

25. The word ' integrity' in the last part of the Preamble was inserted by the
a. 43rd Amendment
b. 42nd Amendment
c. 44th Amendment
d. 45th Amendment

Ans:-  a. 43rd Amendment

26. Who was the founder of " Drain of wealth ' theory ?
a. S. N. Benarjee
b. B. G. Tilak
c. Annie Besant
d. Dadabhai Naroji

Ans:- d. Dadabhai Naroji

27. India become a sovereign republic in :-
a. 1949
b. 1950
c. 1948
d. 1947

Ans:-  b. 1950

28. Who can dismiss the Governor ?
a. The Prime Minister
b. The President
c. Lok Sabha
d. The Chief justice

Ans:- b. The President

29. How many times can the president of India return a non money Bill, passed by the parliament ?
a. Once
b. Twice
c. Thrice
d. Never

Ans:- b. Twice

30. Who was the first  Chief Election Commissioner of India ?
a. Sukumar Sen
b. M. S. Gill
c. T. N. Seshan
d. Monmohan Singh

Ans:- a. Sukumar Sen


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