Give short answer of the following question.

a) Who wrote the prose piece , 'My Impression of Assam " ?
= Dr. Verrier Elwin an eminent British author and anthropologist wrote the prose piece, " My Impression of Assam ."

b) What is a great and precious thing, as according to Verrier Elwin ?
= Tradition of hospitality and friendliness is a great and precious thing in this modern world of competition, as according to Verrier Elwin.

c) Name the Wild Life Sanctuary of Assam visited by Dr. Verrier Elwin.
= " Kaziranga Wild Life Sanctuary " is the wild life sanctuary of Assam visited by Dr. Verrier Elwin.

d) Where did Dr. Verrier Elwin spend a lot of time in Africa ?
= In Africa Dr. Verrier Elwin spent a lot of time in its famous Game Sanctuaries.

e) Where can one see the treasures of Assam tribes ?
= One can see the treasure of Assam tribes in  Oxford and Cambridge.

f)Who make splendid decorations on their houses ?
= The Thangkhuls of Manipur make splendid decorations on their houses.

g) Name the ethnic tribes who make magnificent village gate .
= The Angamis make magnificent village gate.

h) What is a sola-topi ?

i) Name the eminent personality who said , " The maiden of lovely Assam weave poems on their handlooms. " .
= Gandhi said, " The maiden of lovely Assam weave poems on their handlooms. ' .


a) What does Verrier Elwin have to say to the hill people of Assam ?
= The author Verrier Elwin  has to say a lot of things to the hill people of Assam. First he would like to say the hill people of Assam no to be ashamed of their old culture because it is noble and beautiful things . He would like to request them not to throw it too readily. In Europe they threw away too much and now they are trying desperately to recover it.

b) How do the East African and the Indians differ in their attitude to animals ?
= There is a vast difference between the East African and the Indians in their attitude to animals. Though most of the East Africans are carnivorous, they are very  friendly to the wild animals . They can never think of poaching the wild animals . They always co-operate the government to make their game sanctuaries a  success. A lot of money is spent on them. But it is totally different here in India. Though we are traditionally wedded to non-violence, and to a real sense of brotherhood with animals, we do not approach to them with a sense of brotherhood. The animals are not altogether sure that they are safe; they do not appear so readily.

c) What does Verrier Elwin say about the tradition of  hospitality in the modern world ?
= According to Verrier Elwin the tradition of hospitality is a great and precious thing in the modern world of competition. It is unhappily a rare thing in this modern world of competition and rivalry and hurry.

d) What difference does Verrier Elwin draw between the Game Sanctuaries of Kenya and Kaziranga ?
= Our author Dr. Verrier Elwin noticed a vast difference between the Game Sanctuaries of Kenya and Kaziranga. In East Africa he noticed that the people are always ready to co-operate the government to make the Sanctuaries a successful one. The government spends a lot of money in them. There no one could dream of poaching and the achieve a wonderful result. One can see in a brief drive in his car hundreds of giraffes, zebras, ostriches, wild elephants and even lions, wandering about neat the roads. But it is not quite the same thing here in Assam. In Kaziranga one can not see wild animals wandering about near the roads in perfect condition. Because in India people does not co-operate the government to make the game sanctuaries a success. The government is also not concerned about the game sanctuaries. They are not interested to spend money in them.

Q. Why, according to Verrier Elwin, should wood carving be taught and encouraged in our educational centres ?
= One of the things that excited the author very much here in Assam is the art of wood curving of the tribal peoples of Assam. The hill peoples of Assam are expert in this art form. The Konyaks adorn their their morungs; the Angamis make magnificent village gates: the Phoms and other tribes are expert in fashioning images and pipes and decorating drinking mugs or making toys. Some of these are of extraordinary vigour and beauty. We all should know this art form. But this art of wood curving is never taught in our educational centres. If it is not taught it would become a thing of past one day. That is why according to Dr. Verrier Elwin wood curving should be taught and encouraged in our educational centres.


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