SPEECH WRITING: How to Prepare a Speech to Deliver in a School Assembly

 Q) Write a speech to be delivered  in the school/ college assembly on ' Importance of Discipline in Life.'

 Good morning to all of you. Myself Riyan Parag a student of class X. Today, in this morning assembly I would like to say a few lines about the 'Importance of Discipline in Life. I know very little in your eyes and forgive me for my unknown mistakes.

            Discipline means learning to obey rules. It is the habit of doing things in an orderly and systematic manner. The importance of discipline is felt in every step of life. At school, students will have to learn to obey school rules. If a student does not obey the rules of school, he will learn nothing at school. Even in games, there must be discipline. A team must obey its captain and rules of the game.

             Discipline is essential in student life. If a student acquires the habit of doing things in a disciplined way, he is sure to succeed as a student.  In public life, discipline is of great value. Discipline ensures peace and prosperity in the society. Indiscipline means chaos in the society. A government can not run a state unless there is discipline among the staff. We also must be disciplined if we want to make our country prosperous.

            Discipline is the backbone of character. We should learn this habit from our childhood. We can become disciplined only by learning to control our tempers and our selfish desires. We must learn to do what is right.


Q)Write a speech to be delivered  in the school/ college assembly on ' Importance of Physical Exercise' .
 =Good morning to all of you. Myself Riyan Parag a student of class X. Today, in this morning assembly I would like to say a few lines about the Importance of Discipline in Life. I know very little in your eyes and forgive me for my unknown mistakes.

Money lost is nothing lost; Time lost is something lost; but health lost is everything lost. So, we all should be very concern to our health. No one can be happy without a good health and we all know that a good health comes through physical exercise.

It is well known that a healthy mind lives in a healthy body. If a man is not physically fit and healthy, his mind can't be sharp and active. A man without a good health can not shine in life.

Human body is very much like a machine. It needs to be maintained and looked after properly. Physical exercise is of immense help in maintaining good health and fitness. It strengthens our immune system and save us from various diseases.

There are different kinds of physical exercise for different ages of people. Some finds pleasure in cycling and jogging. Several people like to do gardening, swimming, boating, running and tracking.

In doing physical exercise we must keep in mind that over exercise is injurious to health. It should be taken in the proper manner. Some sorts of physical exercise are not fit for some people. So, we should choose the right exercise according to our needs.

Q) Write a speech to be delivered  in the school/ college assembly on the topic ' Friendship' .

             Good morning to all of you. Myself Riyan Parag a student of class XI. Today, in this morning assembly I would like to say a few lines about ' friendship '. I know very little in your eyes and forgive me for my unknown mistakes.

            Friendship is a precious thing. It often brings out the great virtue in us. It develops in us mutual love and respects, and teaches us how to get on with those we care for and love. A true friend is a real boon in life. A true friend is one who stands by his friend in weal and woe. He shares not only his joys but also sorrows. He is selfless in his love. A true friend acts as a friend, philosopher and guide. A true friend is an asset of life. We should beware of false friends. A false friend is not a friend at all. He is a cheat. He stays with us  so long  as we are well off. The moment we fall in danger or evil days he goes away. He is not ready to help us in our need. He is an ungrateful person.

       We must be careful in choosing our friends. In the society there are people both good and bad. It is often seen that in the guise of friends some bad characters with selfish  interests often cause great harm to us. We should make friendship with the good. We should avoid the company of the evil. We should make friendship with a man of character only.


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