THE TIGER KING

Q.1) Who is the tiger king ? Why did he get the name ?
= The Tiger King is the maharaja of the Pratibandapuram State. 

         When the tiger King was born a chief astrologer predicted that his death would come from a tiger. When the Maharaja came to know it , he started a tiger hunting mission. He was able to kill ninety nine tigers but the hundredth tiger which was made of wood took revenge upon the Maharaja. Thus, the Maharaja got this name.

Q.2) What did the royal infant grow up to be ?
= The royal infant grew up to be hero of heroes, warrior of warriors and champion of champions. When he came of age twenty, the State which had been with the court of Wards until then, came into his hands.

Q.3) What did the Maharaja do to find the required number of tigers to kill ?
= The Maharaja married a right girl from a royal family of a nearby state which possessed a large number of tigers to kill.

Q. 4) What did the chief astrologer predict about the tiger king ?
= The chief astrologer predicted that the tiger king would grow to be hero of heroes, warrior of warriors and champion of champions. But his death would come from a tiger as he was born under the hours of bull.

Q.5) How did the tiger king celebrate the killing of the hundred tiger ?
= The killing of the hundred tiger was not done by the Maharaja. It was done by his men. When the Maharaja killed the hundred tiger he was overcome with elation. As commanded by the Maharaja, the dead tiger was taken in grand procession through the town and buried. A tomb was erected over it.

Q.6) What was the reaction of the Maharaja when he killed his first tiger ? What did the state astrologer say on that occasion ?
= When Maharaja killed his first tiger, he was thrilled beyond measure. He sent for the state astrologer and showed him the dead beast.

          On this occasion the state astrologer told the Maharaja that he might be able to kill ninety - nine tigers in exactly the same manner. But he must be very careful with the hundred tiger.

Q.7) What did the state ban ? What was the proclamation issued ?
= The state banned tiger hunting by anyone except the Maharaja. The proclamation issued by the state is that if anyone dared to fling so much as a stone at a tiger, all his wealth and property would be confiscated.

Q.8) How did the Maharaja manage to retain his kingdom ?
= During the mission of tiger hunting, the Maharaja stood in danger of losing his kingdom because he prevented a British officer from fulfilling his desire. To retain his kingdom the Maharaja held deliberation with the dewan. After deliberation they sent a telegram to a famous British company of jewelers in Calcutta asking for some samples of expensive diamond rings of different designs. Some fifty rings arrived after a few days, and the Maharaja sent the whole to the British officials good lady expecting that she would take one or two rings and send the rest back. But she kept the whole rings with her and thanked the Maharaja. In this way the Maharaja was able to retain his kingdom but had to pay a bill for three lakh rupees to the British company.

Q.9) What was the unforeseen hurdle that brought the tiger king's mission to a standstill ?

= The unforseen hurdle that brought the tiger king's mission to a standstill was that the tiger population became extinct in the forests of Pratibandapuram. Not a single tiger could be found in the forest of pPratibandapuram. No one knew whether the tigers practised birth control or committed harakiri.

            LONG QUESTION 

Q.) How did the hundredth tiger take its revenge upon the the Tiger King ?
= The Maharaja was unable to kill the hundredth tiger. His bullet missed it's destination without his knowledge. The actual killing of the hundredth tiger was done by his men. The Maharaja did not come to know it, and stopped his tiger hunting mission forever.

             After a few days of his son's birthday came and the Maharaja decided to give him some special gift. He went to the shopping centre  in Pratibandapuram and searched every shop, but could not find anything suitable. Finally, he spotted a wooden tiger in a toyshop and decided it would be the perfect gift. The perfect gift had been carved by an unskilled carpenter and it's surface was rough with tiny quills.

              In the afternoon of his son's birthday, when both of them were playing with the wooden tiger cub, a tiny silver quill pierced the Maharaja's right hand. The next day, the infection flared in the Maharaja's right hand. In four days, it developed  into a suppurating sore which spread all over the arm. Three famous surgeons were brought from Madras. They held a consultation among them and decided to operate his hand. They performed the operation very successfully, but could not save the Maharaja,

               Thus, in this way the hundredth tiger took it's revenge upon the Tiger King.

Q) Describe the tiger hunting mission of the Maharaja of Pratibandapuram State?
= The Tiger King was the Maharaja of the Pratibandapuram State. When he came to know the prediction of the chief astrologer about him, the state banned tiger hunting in the Pratibandapuram forests by anyone except the Maharaja. And then the Maharaja started his tiger hunting mission to disprove the prediction of the chief astrologer.

                At first, the Tiger King was very successful in his tiger hunting mission. Within ten years he was able to kill seventy tigers. After killing seventy tigers  an unforeseen hurdle his mission to a standstill. There was not available of tigers in Pratibandapuram. Not a single tiger could be found in the forests of Protibandapuram state. So, to kill the required tigers the Maharaja married a right girl from a royal family of a nearby state which possessed a large number of tigers. The Maharaja began to kill five or six tigers each time he visited his father-in-law's house. In this manner he killed ninety nine tigers.

                  The hundredth tiger made the Maharaja worry. It could not be easily found. The Maharaja got very angry and his anger reached the extreme point. At last the dewan managed the hundredth tiger for the king. When the Maharaja noticed the hundredth tiger, he was overcome with joy and at once took  an aim to kill the tiger. But unfortunately, his bullet missed it's destination without his knowledge. The Maharaja did not come to know it and stopped his tiger hunting mission forever. Actually the killing of the hundredth tiger was done by his men.


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