A Question of Trust

1.Q) Give a brief account of Horace Danby.
= Horance Danby was a man of strange nature. He was at the age of fifty. In the eyes of other people he was a good and honest citizen. He dwelt with a housekeeper. In fact he was very happy except for attacks of hay fever in summer. His business was making locks and he was very successful at  his business. His hobby was reading books. Specially, he was very fond of reading those latest and expensive books which came to the market every year.

             Though he was considered as a good and honest citizen by the people, as a matter of fact he was little good. He fulfilled his desires through a wrong way. He robbed every year a safe to buy his favourite books as he had not enough money to buy them. So, to say he was a thief. But he was not a typical thief. Because he robbed for a very good purpose and robbed only the well to do persons.

2.Q) Horace Danby was a meticulous planner but still he faltered where did go wrong and why ?
= Horace Dandy was a meticulous planner. He planned everything very carefully before doing his business. So, he was very successful in his business of robbering safe. Before going to steal he always studied everything about the place, the house and its room and even the electric wiring. He was always careful not to leave any finger print. But something went wrong at Shotover Grange. Though he studied everything about the house of Shotover Grange, a little mistake of him failed him in his mission. The lady whom he trusted and took as the owner of the house deceived him. When he went to help her in opening the the safe, he opened it without gloves in his hand. Thus, inspite of being a meticulous planner he was faltered in his mission.

3.Q) What are the subtle ways in which the lady manages to deceive Horace Danby into thinking she is the lady of the house ? Why does not Horace suspect that something is wrong ?
= The lady could easily manage to deceive Horace Dandy into thinking that she was the lady of the house with her subtle ways. She dressed up pretty well just like the lady of the house would be dressed up. Her manner of talking calmly, the ways she patted the dog, and her going to the fireplace to straighten the ornaments made him believe that the lady was the real owner of the house. Moreover, her tone and voice according to the situation made Horace Danby think her as the owner. Thus, she could manage to deceive him through her subtle ways.

4.Q) Horace Danby was a good and respectable but not completely honest. Why do you think this description is apt for Horace ? Why can't he be categorised as a typical thief ?
= Horace Danby was a good and honest citizen who lived with a housekeeper. He was fifty years old and unmarried. He made locks and was successful enough at his business. He was very fond of reading books. He collected every expensive book that came to the market every year. In the eyes of other people Horace Danby was a very honest one. They took him as a good citizen.

          Though Horace Danby was considered as a good and respectable citizen, he was not exactly that kind of person. Because he earned his money through a wrong way. He fulfilled his desires by a wrong way. He robbed a safe every year to buy his favourite books.

          Horace Danby can not be categorised as a typical thief because he robbed for a very good purpose. He robbed only to buy his favourite books. Moreover, he robbed only the rich people but not the poor one. The most interesting matter is that he robbed only once in a year. 

5.Q) How did Horace Danby became an assistant librarian in the prison ?
= Horace Danby was a strange kind of person. His hobby was reading books. Basically he was fond of reading the rare and the expensive books that came to the market every year. He stole a safe every year to buy his favourite books. He was very successful in his business of robbering safe , as he was a meticulous planner. But something went wrong at Shotover Grange. The young lady whom he took as the lady of the house deceived  him through some subtle ways. Exactly she was in the same profession of him. When he went to help her in opening the safe , his fingerprint remained on the things of the room as he avoided his gloves. The following day when police investigated the room, they found the fingerprints of him and arrested him for the crime of robbering safe at the Shotover Grange. He told the police the whole story, but no one believed him. Because the lady of the house was a gray haired, sharp - tonged woman of sixty. Thus , Horace Danby became an assistant librarian in the prison.

6. Q) Why did Horace Danby steal every year ? Do you think Horace Danby was unfairly punished ? 
= Horace Danby was a strange kind of person. His hobby was reading books. Basically he was fond of reading the rare and the expensive books that came to the market every year. He stole a safe every year to buy his favourite books.
              In the eyes of other people Horace Danby was a very respectable and an honest one. But exactly he was not that kind of person. He stole a safe every year to buy his favourite books. He was very successful in his business of robbering safe , as he was a meticulous planner. But something went wrong at Shotover Grange. The young lady whom he took as the lady of the house deceived  him through some subtle ways. Exactly she was in the same profession of him. When he went to help her in opening the safe , his fingerprint remained on the things of the room as he avoided his gloves. The following day when police investigated the room, they found the fingerprints of him and arrested him for the crime of robbering safe at the Shotover Grange. He told the police the whole story, but no one believed him. Because the lady of the house was a gray haired, sharp - tonged woman of sixty.

      Thus, Horace Danby was unfairly punished.

7.Q) How did the young Lady trick Horace Danby ?
= The young lady was in the same profession of Horace Danby. She was pretty and intelligent one. She could easily deceived Horace Danby through her subtle ways. At first she dressed up pretty well just like the lady of the house would be dressed up. Her manner of talking calmly, the ways she patted the dog, and her going to the fireplace to straighten the ornaments made him believe that the lady was the real owner of the house. Moreover, her tone and voice according to the situation made Horace Danby think her as the owner of the house. When Horace requested her to leave him, she was agree with him. but on a condition that he would have to open the safe for her without gloves. Next day when police investigated the room, they discovered the fingerprints of him and arrested him for the crime of robbering safe at the Shotover Grange. Thus, the young lady tricked Horace Danby.


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