FACTUAL DESCRIPTION: How to Make a Cup of Tea
Q) Suppose you have a sister who does not know how to make a cup of tea. Now describe the process of making tea to her. = My dear sister today I am going to teach you something very special. I am going to teach you the process of making tea . It is a very simple task. Hope you would pay attention to it. At first put on the stove and put a saucepan on it with some water. When the water will begin to boil put there some tea and some sugar to the taste. If you want some flavor in your tea, you may add some pasted ginger and cardamom. Let the water to boil completely and then pour it into a cup through a strainer. Your tea will be ready for you. Q) Suppose you have a sister who does not know how to make an omelet. Now describe the process of making an omelet to her. = My dear sister today I am going to teach you something very special. I am going to tell you the process of making an omelet . It is a very simple task. Hope you would pay attention to me....