Write whether the following statements are true or false.

a) Valliammai was called Valli in short.
= True

b) Valli's favourite pastime was to draw paintings.
= False

c) Valli travelled in a lorry.
= False

d) Valli informed her mother about her journey by bus.
= False

e) Valli's wish was to ride the bus.
= True

f) Valli could reach the town in the bus in thirty minutes.
= False

g) The conductor addressed Valli as madam.
= True

h) Valli clapped her hands with joy at seeing a cow running in front of the bus.
= True

i) Valli was  very curious about things.
= True


a) Who wrote the story, 'Madam Rides the Bus' ?
= Vallikkannan wrote the story , 'Madam Rides the Bus' .

b) Who was Valliammai ?
= Valliammai was a little girl of eight years old who was very curious about things.

c) What was Valli's favourite pastime ?
= Valli's favourite pastime was to stand at the front doorway of her house and to watch what was happening in the street outside.

d) Did Valli have playmates of her own age ?
= No, Valli did not have playmates of her own age.

e) What sight gave Valli many new unusual experiences?
= The sight of the street gave Valli many new unusual experiences.

f) What was the source of unending joy for Valli ?
= The sight of the bus that filled each time with a new set of passengers, was a source of unending source for Valli.

g) What was Valli's tiny wish ?
= Valli's tiny wish was to ride on the bus that travelled between her village and the nearest town.

h) What did Valli listen carefully over many days and months?
= Over many days and months Valli listened carefully to the conversations between her villagers and the people who regularly used the bus.

i) How far was the town from Valli's village ?
= The town was six miles far away from Valli's village.

j) What was the fare of the bus ?
= The fare of the bus was thirty paise one way.

k) How did the conductor address Valli ?
= The conductor addressed Valli as madam

m) Was the bus that Valli took a new one ?
= Yes, the bus that Valli took for her first journey was a brand new.

n) What did the conductor want to offer Valli ?
= The conducted wanted to offer Valli a cold drink.

o) What did Valli see when she entered her house ?
= When Valli entered her house, she saw her mother awake and talking to one of her aunts who was from the South Street.

p) How did the cow die ?
= The cow died for hitting by a fast moving vehicle.

q) How much money did Valli save for her first journey ?
= Valli saved sixty paise for her first journey.

r) What was the elderly woman chewing ?
= The elderly woman was chewing betel nut.

s) Was it easy for Valli to save up money for her first journey ?
= No, it was not easy for Valli to save up money for her first journey.

t) When did Valli make her bus journey to the town ?
= Valli made her bus journey to the town in the afternoon of a fine spring day.


a) Give a short account of Valli ?
=Valli was a little girl of eight years old. Her full name is Valliamai. She was very curious about things. Her favourite pastime was to stand in the front doorway of her house and to watch what was happening in the street outside. She had no playmates of het age. So, she enjoyed her leisure time by watching the bus that travelled through het village.

b) Why did Valli always stand in the front doorway of her house ?
= Valli always stood in the front doorway of her house to watch what was happening in the street outside and to enjoy the sight of the bus that travelled between her village and the nearest town.

c) How did Valli pick up various small details about the bus journey ?
= Valli picked up various small details about the bus journey by listening carefully to the conversation between her neighbours and the people who regularly used the bus, and by asking a few discreet questions here and there.

d) Why did Valli stood up on her seat ?

= When Valli wanted to enjoy the beautiful sight outside the bus, she found her view cut off by a canvas blind that covered the lower part of her window. That is why Valli stood up on her seat.

d) What did Valli see on her way that made her laugh ?
= On her journey to the town, Valli saw a young frightened cow running very fast in the middle of the road with its tail high in the air, right in front of the bus. The cow was very frightened. The driver sounded his horn loudly again and again. But the more he honked, the more it was frightened and galloped the bus in front. This made Valli laugh in her journey to the town.

e) Why did Valli not want to go to the stall and have a drink ?
= Valli did not have any money to buy anything at the stall. She had only thirty paise with her which she would have to pay the conductor as for her return fare. That is why Valli did not go to the stall and had a drink.

f) What fascinated Valli most ?
= The bus that travelled between her village and the nearest town fascinated Valli most.

g) How did Valli react when she had seen the dead cow ?
= When Valli had seen the dead cow, she was very upset. She was overcome with sadness. The memory of the dead cow haunted her, dampening her enthusiasm. She no longer wanted to look out the window. She sat glued to her seat, until the bus reached her village at three forty.

h) Why did not Valli get off the bus at the bus station ?
= Valli did not come to the town taking a certain purpose. She just wanted to have a ride. Moreover, she was afraid of visiting the town by herself, and she had to return home in the same bus. That is why Valli did not got off the bus at the bus station.

i) Give a brief description of the bus that Valli used for her bus journey .
= The bus that Valli used for her bus journey was a brand new. Its outside was painted a gleaming white with some green stripes along the side. Inside the overhead bars shone like silver and above the windshield, there was a beautiful clock. Moreover, the seats were soft and luxurious.

j) How did Valli save up money for her first journey ?
= It was not an easy task for Valli to gather sixty paise altogether. She had thriftily saved whatever stray coins came her way, resisting every temptation to buy peppermints, toys, balloons, and whatever she liked. Moreover she had to resolutely stifle a strong desire to ride the merry-go-round in the village fair, even though she had the money.

k) Why did Valli not want to make friend with the elderly woman?
= Valli did not want to make friend with the elderly woman because she found the elderly woman absolutely repulsive  with big holes she had in her ear lobes and ugly earrings in them. Moreover, she could smell the betel nut the woman was chewing and see the betel juice that was threatening to spill over her lips at any moment.

l) How did the train pass when the bus came to a railway crossing ?
= When the bus came to a railway crossing, the train rushed past the crossing gate with a tremendous roar and rattle, and shaking the bus.

m) What happened when Valli reached home after the bus ride ?
= When Valli reached home after the bus ride she found her mother awake and talking to one of Valli's aunt who was from South Street.


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