

1) Write an application to the Headmaster of your school praying for half leave.

The Headmaster
Gargaon High School
Gargaon- 785685

27th July 2021

Sub:- Application for half leave

With due regards as well as humble submission I would like to state you that I would not be able to attend my classes right from the next class due to my severe headache.

Therefore, I kindly request you to grant me leave for those remaining periods.

Yours most obedient pupil
Rupak Sharma
Roll no- 5

2) Write an application to the principal of your college asking him for leave of absence.

The Principal
M.G.M Junior College

29th July, 2021

Sub:- Application for leave of absence.


With due respect I would like to state you that I shall not be able to attend my classes for four days from 1st August to 4th August 2021 on account of the marriage ceremony of my elder brother.

              Therefore, I kindly request you to grant me leave of absence for those days only.

Yours obediently
Ritika Boruah
Class:- X

3) You are Bikash a student of class IX. You could not attend your classes for two days due to your severe fever. Now write an application to the Principal of your school praying for leave of absence.

The Principal
M.G.M. Senior Secondary School

30th July, 2021

Sub:- Application for leave of absence


         Most respectfully I beg to state you that I could not attend my classes on 28th and 29th July, 2021 on account of my severe fever.

         I, therefore kindly request you to grant me leave of absence for those two days only. My medical certificate has been enclosed here with the application.

                                 Yours obediently
                               Chiplung Borgohain

4) Write an application to the Headmaster of your school seeking a transfer certificate.

The Headmaster
Tengapukhuri High School

3rd August, 2021

Sub:- Application for seeking a transfer            certificate.


      With due respect I would like to state you that my father is a govt. employee.
He has been transferred to Guwahati for an official matter. Sir, I am very sorry to state you that I have to leave this place and your prestigious school along with my father.

        Therefore, I kindly request you to issue me a transfer certificate at an early date so that I would have no difficulty in getting admission in one of the schools in Guwahati.

Yours obediently

5) Write a letter to the principal of your school requesting him to issue you a school leaving certificate.

The Principal
Presidency Junior College

5th August 2021

Sub:- Application for a School leaving                Certificate.


        It is my humble submission to state you that I shall not be able to come to your prestigious school right from next week due to the transfer order of my father. My father is a police officer. He has been transferred to Tezpur. Sir, I am very sorry to inform you that I have to leave this beautiful place and your school along with my father.

         Therefore, I kindly request you to issue me a School Leaving Certificate at an early date . I have paid all my academic fees and returned the library books.

                                Yours obediently
                                  Rahul Sharma

6) You are a student of class IX. You have come of a very poor family. Write an application to the principal of your college requesting him / her for granting you a full free studentship so that you can continue your studies.

The Principal
M.G.M. Senior Secondary School
Gargaon - 785685

5th August, 2021

Sub:- Application for a full free                            studentship.

          With due respect and humble submission, I beg to lay the following a few lines before you for your favourable consideration.

      I am a regular student of your school. I have come of a very poor family. My father is a daily worker. He earns very little. Through his little earning he is not capable of providing me my admission and any other academic fees. But I want to continue my studies and want to fulfill my ambition of becoming a doctor.

      Therefore, I kindly request you to grant me a full free studentship so that I can continue my studies. I may assure you that I shall always prove worthy of this favour. I fear if I am not given the exemption, I shall have to give up my studies, which in turn will ruin my future.

Thanking you in anticipation

                           Yours obediently

7) Write a letter to the Headmaster of your school seeking for a character certificate.

The Principal
Rangpur Senior Secondary School

7th August 2021

Sub:-  Application for seeking a                             character certificate.


           It is my humble submission to state you that I have decided to join a football club in our neighbourhood. I need a character certificate to take admission.

            Therefore, I kindly request you to issue me a character certificate at an early date.

                        Yours most obedient pupil

8) Suppose you are the class representative of your class. Your class wish to visit the Book Fair held in Sivasagar Boarding Field. Now, as the class representative write an application to the principal of your school seeking half leave for the whole class.

The Principal
Gargaon Senior Secondary School

11th August, 2021

Sub :- Application for half leave

          We the students of class IX have the honour to state you that we would like to visit the district book fair organized by the NGO 'KHOJ' in Sivasagar Boarding Field. We will go there by bus and our respected English sir would accompany us to the book fair.

             Therefore, we kindly request you to grant us half leave just for today and your kind permission.

                       Yours most obedient Pupils

9) You the students of class X , have decided to arrange a picnic tour to Tezpur. Now write an application to the Headmaster of your school praying for a permission.

The Headmaster
Tengapukhuri High School

14th August, 2021

Sub:- Application for permission


       It is our humble submission to you that we the students of class x have arranged a picnic tour to Tezpur on 1st September 2021. We have arranged a bus for our tour. We will start our journey early in the morning from the school campus. Our respected History sir will accompany us in our tour. We hope to visit all the historical places and monuments there in Tezpur. We have arranged everything necessary for our trip but your kind permission.

        May we therefore kindly request you to give us your consent to go to Tezpur. We shall be very glad if we get your consent. Hope you would not despair us.

   (  The list of the students has been                enclosed here with the petition)

                       Yours most obedient pupils

Q) Write a letter to the principal of your seeking a transfer certificate.

The Principal
J. B. College

3rd August, 2021

Sub:- Application for seeking a transfer            certificate.


      With due respect I would like to state you that I am regular student of 2nd sem. of your college in the department of Education. Sir, I am very sory to state you that I have to leave  your college due to my personal problem. I would like to continue my studies in Gargaon College.

        Therefore, I kindly request you to issue me a transfer certificate at an early date so that I would have no difficulty in getting  admission in the college.

Yours obediently

10) You are the Students of class X . You want to play a friendly Football match with the student of class IX. Now write a letter to the Principal of your college seeking permission.

The Principal
Tengapukhuri Senior Secondary School
Tengapukhuri- 785686

13th Sept. 2021

Sub :- Application for permission


         We the students of class X have the honour to state you that we would like to play a Friendly Football Match with the    students   of    class  IX    on  20th September,   2021   in     the     school playground   right    from      10:30 am.

          This is our kind request to you. Hope you would not despair us.

Yours most obedient pupils

Write a letter to the principal of your college asking for permission to organize a farewell party for your class teacher who is retiring .



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