The Last Lesson. Question answer of the last lesson. Ncrt solutions The Last Lesson. Important questions of the Last Lesson

              THE LAST LESSON

Give Short Answer of the following questions.

a) Who is the writer of the prose piece "  The Last Lesson " ?
= Alphonse Daudet is the writer of the      prose piece " The Last Lesson " .

b) " I started for school very late that morning. "
Who is the 'I' here ?
= Here the 'I' is little Franz.

c) Who was M. Hamel ?
= M. Hamel was a French teacher of little Franz's school.

d) Where were the birds chirping ?
= The birds were chirping at the edge of woods.

e) Where were the prussians soldiers drilling ?
= The prussians soldiers were drilling in the open field back of the Sawmill.

f) Who was defeated in the Franco - Prussian War ?
= The Prussian defeated France in the Franco - Prussian War.

g) Where was the bulletin board ?
= The bulletin board was at the town hall.

h) Name the blacksmith mentioned in the prose piece  ' The Last Lesson ' .
= Wachter is the blacksmith mentioned in the prose piece ' The Last Lesson ' .

i) What did M. Hamel do instead of teaching his students their lessons ?
= M. Hamel instead of teaching his students their lessons sent them to water the flowers of his garden.

j) What did M. Hamel write on the blackboard on the day of the last lesson?
= M. Hamel wrote ' Vive  La France ' on the blackboard  on the day of the last lesson.

k) Name the river mentioned in the prose piece ' The Last Lesson ' .
= The river mentioned in the prose piece ' The Last Lesson ' is Saar.

l) Where did little Franz go to slide ?
= Little Franz went to the river Saar to slide.

m) How was the hat of old Hauser?
= The hat of the old Hauser was three cornered.

n) Where did little Franz see a huge gathering ?
= At the town hall in front of the bulletin board little Franz saw a huge gathering.

o) Which was the most beautiful language in the world according to M. Hamel ?
= According to M. Hamel French was the most beautiful language in the world.

p) How many years did M. Hamel serve his country ?
= M. Hamel served his country for forty years.

p) What did little Franz do instead of learning his own lesson ?
= Little Franz instead of learning his own lesson went to seek birds eggs and to slide in the river Saar.

q) Why did the village people go to the school on the day of the last lesson ?
= On the day of the last lesson the village people went to the school in honour of their mother tongue and to thank M. Hamel for his forty years of faithful service.

r) What did old Hauser bring to the classroom on the day of the last lesson ?
= On the day of the last lesson old Hauser brought an old primer to the classroom.

s) What did the babies chant on at the end of the class ?
= At the end of the class the babies chanted ba, be, bi, bo, bu.

t) Name the bird mentioned in the prose piece " The Last Lesson " .
= The name of the bird mentioned in the prose piece "The Last Lesson " is pigeon.

u) " School is dismissed- you may go." Who said this ?
= M. Hamel said this.

v) When did M. Hamel dismiss his school ?
= When the church clock struck twelve, M. Hamel dismissed his school.

w) What did M. Hamel bring to his students on the day of the last lesson?
= M. Hamel brought new copies to his students on the day of the last lesson.


a) Why did the author start for school very late on the day of the last lesson?
= On the day of the last lesson the author did not want to go to school because that day his teacher M. Hamel was going to ask them some questions on participles and he did not know anything about participles and was in a great dread of scolding from him. That is why, the author started for school very late on the day of the last lesson.

b) What was much more tempting than the rules for participles?
= The warm and bright weather, birds chirping at the edge of the woods and the prussian soldiers drilling in the open field back of the sawmill were much more tempting than the rules for participles.

c) Who were the village people sitting on the back benches of the classroom.
= Old Hauser, the former mayor, the former postmaster and several other village people were sitting on the back benches of the classroom.

d) Why did the village people come to the school on the day of the last lesson ?
= On the day of the last lesson the village people came to school to show their respect for the country which was theirs no more and to thank M. Hamel for his forty years of faithful service.

e) What did M. Hamel do instead of teaching his students their lessons ?
= M. Hamel instead of teaching his students their lessons sent them to water the flowers of his garden and whenever he wanted to go for fishing he declared them a holiday.

f) What was the commotion that Franz anticipated in the classroom ?
= In the classroom Franz anticipated the commotion of opening and closing of desks, lessons repeated in unison very loudly and the teachers great ruler rapping on the table.

g) Why did M. Hamel not blame little Franz for his inability to learn his own lessons
= It was not sole fault of little Franz for his inability to learn his own lesson. His parents and M. Hamel himself were responsible for it. His parents were not conscious enough about his studies. Instead of sending him to school they preferred to put him to work at a mill. On the other hand M. Hamel also was not sincere to his duty. He instead of teaching them their lessons sent them to water the flowers of his garden. This led M. Hamel not to blame little Franz for his inability to learn his own lesson.

h) What news had been put up in the bulletin board for the last two years ?
= The bulletin board was at the town hall. For the last two years all the bad news - the lost battles, the draft and the orders of the commanding officers had been put up in the bulletin board. On the day of the last lesson a bad news had been put up in the bulletin board,  and it was the order from Berlin to teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine.

i) Whom did Franz meet on his way to school ? What did that person tell him?
= Franz on his way to school met the blacksmith Wachter who was reading the bulletin board along with his apprentice.
               He told Franz not to go fast and consoled him that he would get his school in plenty of time.

j) Why did Wachter, the blacksmith, tell Franz not to hurry to school?
= The  order from   Berlin brought all routine  hustle - bustle of school life to a stand - still. This bad news made all the people of Alsace and Lorraine very upset. Wachter thought that right from the next day the country would be no longer of them and it would be the last French class for little Franz. So, Wachter told Franz not to hurry to school.

k) Which words of M. Hamel were seemed like a bolt to Franz?
= " My children, this is the last lesson I shall give you. The order has come from Berlin to teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. The new master comes tomorrow . This is your last French lesson. I want you to be very attentive." These words of M. Hamel were seemed like a bolt to Franz.

l) " School is dismissed. You may go. " Who said this and when ?
= When the church clock struck twelve, M. Hamel the French teacher of little Franz school said this to his students at the end of the school.

m) Why is the lesson the "Last Lesson " so called ?
= The lesson " The Last Lesson " is so called because it was the last French lesson in the school of little Franz, and right from the next day a new teacher would come in place of M. Hamel to teach them German; because there was an order from Berlin to teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine.

n) How did Franz's feeling about M. Hamel and the school change ?
=Earlier little Franz and his friends did not like their teacher M. Hamel at all. But the order from Berlin totally changed his attitude towards him. The idea that M. Hamel was going away forever, that he should never see him again, made him forget all about his ruler and how cranky he was; and he began to develop a kind feelings towards him. It also changed his feelings towards his school. He began to like the idea of going to school and became more sincere to his studies.

o) How did M. Hamel describe the French language ?
= M. Hamel gives a beautiful description regarding the French language. He says that French is the most beautiful language in the world and it is the clearest and the most logical one that they should guard it among them.

p) Why had the bulletin board become a centre of attention during the last two years ?
= During the last two years the bulletin board becomes a centre of attention because all the bad news of the Waterloo War bad been put up in this bulletin board.

q) What according to M. Hamel, was the great fault of Alsace? Whom did he blame for this ?
= The great fault of Alsace was that they often put off their learning for the next day. They are very negligent to their duty. 
          For this he blamed themselves.

r) How did M. Hamel dismiss the class ?
= On the day of the last lesson M. Hamel wanted to say something to his students. But something choked him. He could not go on. So, he turned to the blackboard, took a piece of chalk, and bearing on with all his might, he wrote " Vive La France ! ". Then he stopped and leaned his head against the wall, and without a word he dismissed the school by making a pitiful gesture.

s) Why did little Franz understand everything taught by M. Hamel in the class on the day of the last lesson ?
= In the class on the day of the last lesson little Franz  understood everything taught by M. Hamel. All he said seemed so easy, so easy to little Franz. Because that day every student listened to him carefully and M. Hamel explained everything with so much patient.

t) Why did M. Hamel tell French people  to guard their mother tongue among them and never to forget it ?
= According to M. Hamel when a people are enslaved, and as long as they hold fast to their language, it is as if they had the key to their prison. That is why M. Hamel requested the French people to guard their mother tongue among them and never to forget it.

u) Why did little Franz think of running away and spending the day out of doors?
= On the day of the last lesson little Franz's teacher M Hamel was going to ask them some questions on participle and he did not know anything about participle. On the other hand that day weather was so bright and warm, the birds were chiring at the edge of wood and the prussian soldiers were drilling in the open field back of the saw mill. These all were much more tempting than the rules for participles. That is why little Franz thought of running away and spending the day out of doors.

v) What would Franz love to do on that sunny morning instead of going to school ?
= On that sunny morning Franz instead of going to school would love to spend the day out of doors and enjoy the birds chirping at the edge of wood and the prussian soldiers drilling in the open field back of the sawmill.

w) Why did M. Hamel tell his people to guard their mother tongue among them?
= According to M. Hamel if a people are enslave, as long as they hold fast to their mother tongue among them it is as if they had the key to their prison. That is why M. Hamel told his people to guard their mother tongue among them and requested never to forget it. 

y) What was the great bustles which could be heard out from the street ?

= The great bustles which could be heard out from the street was  of opening and closing of desks, lessons repeated in unison very loudly and the teachers great ruler rapping on the table.


Q) Describe the unusual things that Franz noticed on the day of the last lesson.
= On the day of the last lesson Franz happened to notice many unusual things right from the town hall to the classroom. In the town hall he noticed a huge gathering of people in front of the bulletin board. The unusual things that Franz came to notice before entering the school was its surroundings which was so calm and quiet. The other days when school started there was a great bustle of opening and closing of desks, lessons repeating in unison and the teachers great ruler rapping on the table. 
                   On the day of the last lesson everything had to be as quiet as Sunday morning. Through the window he saw his classmate already in their places, and M. Hamel walking up and down with his terrible iron ruler under his arm. After  getting  in  the  class, the unusual thing that Franz noticed was his teacher M. Hamel who seemed so gentle. The  other days, he  was  very rough to the students who came late to school.  Moreover,  that  day  he  was wearing  his  special  dress  which  he never wore except inspection and prize distribution days. 
                   The most unusual thing that Franz  noticed  on  the  day of  the  last lesson was the village people who were sitting very quietly on the back benches of  the classroom  which  were  always empty. That day they came to  thank M. Hamel  for  his  forty  years  of  faithful service and to show their respect for the country that was theirs no more.

Q) Give a detailed account of the scene in the classroom on the day of the last lesson.
= On the day of the last lesson the scene in the classroom was so strange and solemn. It was totally different from that of other days. The other days when school began, there was a gerat bustle of opening and closing of desks, lessons repeating in unison and the teachers great ruler rapping on the table. But that day the whole environment of the school was so solemn. When little Franz reached the school he had counted on the commotion to get to his desk without being seen; but of course, that day everything had to be as quiet as Sunday morning. Through the window he saw his classmate already in their places and M. Hamel walking up and down with his terrible iron ruler under his arm. He had to open the door and go in before everybody.
                  When he entered the classroom, he was in great dread of a scolding from his teacher M. Hamel. But that day he did not scold him. He just told him very kindly to go to his seat quickly. After taking his seat, when he had got a little over his fright he saw M. Hamel on his special dress which he never wore except on inspection and prize days. That day in the classroom he saw the village people sitting very quietly on the back benches that were always empty. It surprised him most. Moreover, he found the whole class so clam and still and his teacher M. Hamel so gentle in his behaviour and his classmates very honest in their attitude. Later on he came to know the real matter that made the class so solemn and strange.

Q) What was the order from Berlin ? How did that order affect the people of Alsace, particularly M. Hamel and his students ?
= There had been put up a bad news in the bulletin board on the day of the last lesson. It was the order from Berlin to teach only German in  the schools of Alsace and Lorraine instead of French language.

                 The order from Berlin brought a great change to the life of French people. It changed them both mentally and emotionally. It also brought about a great chang in the feelings of the people towards their country and native language. They could realised the importance of their mother tongue.

                          The  order from   Berlin brought all routine  hustle - bustle of school life to a stand - still. Particularly, M. Hamel the French teacher of little Franz's school became more sympathetic to his students and taught his lesson with more patience. The  order from Berlin made him realise about his negligency towards his duty and he regretted for sending his students to do his household activities instead of teaching them their lessons. Along with M. Hamel little Franz also regretted for not learning his lessons well. The order from Berlin changed him into a sincere student and he became more attentive in his class.

                  Thus, the order from Berlin made M. Hamel and his students very upset; and they were very sorry for going to lose their mother tongue forever.



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