Nelson Mandela : Long Walk to Freedom

SEBA and NCERT solutions class x  First Flight . Here you will get questions and answers of the Lesson " Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to freedom." 

 Q) State whether the following are true or false:

a) Nelson Mandela spent twenty years in prison.

= False

b) On the day of the inauguration , two national anthems were sung.

= True

c) On the day of the inauguration Mandela was accompanied by his daughter Zenani.

= True

d) Thabo Mbeki was sworn in as the second deputy president.

= False

e) The policy of apartheid created lasting peace in Mandela's Country.

= False

f) On the day of inauguration Mandela was overwhelmed with a sense of history.


g) On the podium, Mr. de Klerk was first sworn in as the first Deputy President.

= False

h) On the day of the inauguration, Mandela was overwhelmed with a sense of freedom.

= False

i)The inauguration was for the installation of South Africa's first democratic, non racial government.

= True

J) The inauguration took place on 10th May 1992.

= False

k) Nelson Mandela had a great respect for a host of great men of characters like Oliver Tambos, Walter Sisulus, Chief Luthulis and so.

= True

l) Only one national anthem was sung on that historic day.

= False

m) In South Africa, during the whites' supremacy, the blacks could fulfil the twin obligations.

= False

n)  Nelson Mandela joined the African National congress when the freedom of everyone had been curtailed.

= True

o) Nelson Mandela could not enjoy his freedom because his family's freedom had been curtailed.

= False


1) What is 'Apartheid' ?

= Apartheid is a political system that seperates people according to their race.

2) Name the autobiography  of Nelson Mandela.

= 'Long Walk to Freedom' is the autobiography of Nelson Mandela.

3) What is the full name of Nelson Mandella?

= The full name of Nelson Mandela is Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela.

4) Who surrounded the author before the 'Inauguration'?

= Before inauguration Mandela was surrounded by dignitaries and world leaders.

5) When was the democratic elections held in South Africa ?

= The democratic elections in South Africa was held in the year 1994.

6) Where did the ceremonies take place?

= The ceremonies took place in the lovely sandstone amphitheatre formed by the Union Building in Pretoria.

7) Who accompanied the author on that lovely autumn day?

= Mandela's daughter Zenani accompanied the author on that lovely autumn day.

8) Who was sworn in as first deputy President?

= Thabo Mbeki was sworn in as first deputy President.

9) Who was sworn in as second deputy President ?

= Mr de Klerk was sworn in as second deputy president.

10)What roared in perfect formation over the Union Building?

= South African jets, helicopters and troop carriers roared in perfect formation over the Union Building.

12)What were the colours emitted by a chevron of Impala jets?

= The colours emitted by a chevron of Impala jets are black, red, green, blue and gold.

13)What did the smoke trail of Impala jets symbolises?

= The smoke trail of Impala jets symbolises the new South African flag.

14)Name the two national anthems sung on that historic day. 

= Nkosi Sikelel -iAfrika and Die Stem are the two national anthems sung on that historic day.

15)What happened in the first decade of the twentieth century?

= In the first decade of the twentieth century the white skinned peoples of South Africa patched up their differences and erected a system of racial domination against the black peoples of their own land.

16)Who formed the structure of one of the harshest and most inhumane societies?

= The white people formed the structure of one of the harshest and most inhumane societies.

17) How old was the author at the time of 'inauguration'?

= The author was eighty years old at the time of inauguration.

18)What created a deep and lasting wound in South Africa?

= The policy of apartheid created a deep and lasting wound in South Africa.

19)How many obligation does everyman have, according to the author?

= According to Mandela everyman has twin obligations in life.

20)Name the party joined by the author.

= The name of the party joined by the author is African National Congress.


21) What does courage mean to Mandela?

= Mandela learnt the  meaning of courage from his comrades in the struggle. According to him courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.

22) How   does  Mandela  describes   the system of his government in his country in  the first   decade   of  the   twentieth century?

= Mandela describes that the system of his government in his country in the first decade of the twentieth century was a very racial one. The white -skinned peoples of his country patched up their differences and erected a system of racial domination against the dark-skinned peoples of their own land.

23) How does Mandela describe the systems of government in his country in the   final   decade, of   the   twentieth century?

=Mandela described that in the final decade of the twentieth century the system of government in his country was not racial one. The racial system had been overturned forever and replaced by one that recognised the rights and freedoms of all peoples, regardless of the colour of their skin.

24) How did the policy of apartheid affect his country ?

= The policy of apartheid affected the people of South Africa very badly. It created a deep and lasting wound in them. It deprived  them of all of their rights and respect. It led them to live a life of  brutality. After all, all of them have to suffer a lot for it.

25) What "twin obligations" does Mandela mention ?

= According to Mandela every man has twin obligations in life. The first obligation is to his family, to his parents, to his wife and children; and the other obligation is to his people, his community and his country.

26) Why did Mandela thank the international leaders for ?

= Mandela thanked the international leaders for coming to pay their respects before the inauguration and supporting them in the installation of South Africa's first democratic, non-racial government.

27) What is the view of Mandela about the wealth of the country ?

= Mandela had a clear- cut view about the wealth of his country. According to him his country is rich in minerals and germs; but he had always known that its greatest wealth is its people, who are finer and truer than the purest diamonds.

28) Who were the other persons who took oath along with Nelson Mandela?

= Mr de Klerk and Thabo Mbeki are the other two persons who took oath along with Nelson Mandela.

29) What did Mandela yearn for as a young man in Johannesburg ?
= As a young man in Johannesburg Mandela yearned for the basic and honourable freedoms of achieving his potential, of earning his keep, of marrying and having a family of his own.

30) What changed Mandela as a young man into a bold one ?
= When Mandela came to know that it was not just his freedom that was curtailed, but the freedom of everyone who looked like he did, he became more hunger for the freedom of his people. This hunger for freedom changed Mandella as a young man into a bold one.

31) What should people learn so that they can be taught to love ?
= People should learn to love than to hate because 'love ' comes more naturally to human heart than its opposite 'hate'.

32) What did being free mean to Mandela as a boy, and as a student ?
= As a boy Mandela's freedom was to be free to run in the open field near his mother's hut, to swim in the clear stream that ran through his village, to roast mealies under the stars and to ride the broad backs of slow-moving bulls.

               As a student being free mean to Mandela to be able to stay out at night, to read what he pleased and to go where he chose.

33) What ideals does Mandela set out for the future of South Africa ?
= Mandela sets out very good ideals for the future of South Africa. He along with his people pledges to liberate all the people from the continuing bondage of poverty, deprivation, suffering, gender and other discrimination. They also pledged that their beautiful land will never again experience the oppression of one by another.

34) What was Mandela's opinion about the people of South Africa ?
= Mandela had a clear cut opinion about the people of South Africa. According to him the people of South Africa is the greatest wealth of it. They are finer and truer than the purest diamonds.

35) Who were the prominent persons struggling against apartheid ?
= Oliver Tambo, Walter Sisulu, Chief Luthuli, Yusuf Dadoo, Bram Fischer and Robert Sobukwe were the prominent persons that struggle against apartheid.

36) How did Mandela's hunger for freedom change his life ?
= Mandela's hunger for freedom changed his life completely. It transformed him into a bold one from a frightened young man. From a law-abiding attorney, it made him to become a criminal. From a family-loving husband, it turned him into a man without a home. It also forced him to live like a monk.

37) What did the white skinned peoples of South Africa do after the bitter Anglo-Boer war ?
What did the white skinned peoples of South Africa do in the first decade of the twentieth century ?
What did the white skinned peoples of South Africa do before the birth of Nelson Mandela ?
= After the bitter Anglo-Boer war, the white skinned peoples of South Africa patched up their differences and erected a system of racial domination against the dark-skinned peoples of their own land.

38) What does depths of oppression create in South Africa ?
= In South Africa the depth of oppression created men of great characters like Oliver Tambos, Walter Sisulus, the Chief Luthulis, the Yusuf Dadoos, the Bram Fischers, the Robert Sobukwes etc.

39) What is amphitheatre ?
= Amphitheatre is an open circular or oval building with a central space surrounded by tiers of seats.

40) What do the military generals do ? How has their attitude changed, and why ?
= On the inauguration day the military generals  saluted Nelson Mandela . Before they did not salute him, but arrested him. After Nelson Mandela becoming the President of South Africa, their attitude totally changed and they saluted him and pledged their loyalty.

41) Why were two national anthems sung in the inauguration ceremony ?
= On the day of the inauguration both the national anthems were sung to symbolized the unity among the white and black peoples of South Africa and to pay equal rights and respects to them.

42) What does Mr. Mandela mean when he says, " Freedom is indivisible" ?

=  According to Mandela freedom is indivisible because the chain on anyone of his people were the chains on all of them, the chains on all of my people were the chains on him.

43) What is Mandela's opinion about oppressor ?

= Mandella thinks that the oppressor is a prisoner of hatred. He is locked behind the bars of prejudice and narrow mindedness. According to him the oppressor must be liberated just as surely as the oppressed.

44) Why was the inauguration day of South Africa symbolic ?

= The inauguration day of South Africa was symbolic because on that day they were going to form a new non-racial democratic government and right from that day no one in South Africa had to experience the oppression of one by another.

45) What is " glorious human achievement" Mandella mentions at the end of his speech ?

= The common victory for justice, for peace, and for human dignity are the "glorious human achievement" that Mandela mentions at the end of his speech.


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