A letter to God question answer

 Choose the correct option from the alternatives given below.

Choose the correct alternative from the choices given below.

1.Lencho went up to the window to ask for...
a) paper and ink
b)paper and pen
c) some money
d) None of them
Ans:- a) paper and ink

2. The post master was ---
a) short and amiable
b) fat and amiable
c) fat and intelligent
d)tall and amiable
Ans:- b) fat and amiable

3. Lencho had profound faith in----
a) the post master
b) the postman
c) God
d) his wife
Ans:- c) God

4.Lencho wrote a letter to.....
a) the almighty
b) his friends
c) the postmaster
d) none of them
Ans:- a) almighty

5.The only thing the earth needed was...........
a) a breeze
b) a storm
c) a downpour 
d) some fertiliser
Ans:- c) a downpour

6. Who knew his field intimately ?
a) Lencho's wife
b) Lencho's boys
c) God
d) Lencho
Ans:- d) Lencho

7.The field of ripe corn dotted with the flowers always promise.........
a) a bad harvest
b) an excess harvest
c) a good harvest
d) all of the above
Ans:- c) a good harvest

8.Lencho's wife was preparing........... for the family.
a) breakfast
b) supper
c) dinner
d) none of them
Ans:- b) supper

9. Lencho went out in the rain to.......
a) feel the rain
b) take bath
c) take in clothes
d) all of the above
Ans:- a) to feel the rain

10.Before the hail storm the air was
a) fresh and sweet
b) fresh and cool
c) warm and fresh
d) Sweet and hot
Ans:- a) fresh and sweet

11.The boys of Lencho went out in the rain...
a) to work in the field
b) to feel the rain
c) to collect the corn
d) to collect the frozen pearls
Ans:- d) to collect the frozen pearls

12.After the hail Lencho's soul was filled with
a) joy
b) sorrow
c) sadness
d) none of the above
Ans:- c) sadness

13.Lencho wrote a letter to God seeking
a) seventy pesos
b) seventy rupees
c) hundred rupees
d) hundred pesos
Ans:- c) hundred pesos

14.What was Lencho's only hope
a) help from God
b) help from the post office
c) was a downpour
d) one hundred pesos
Ans:- a) help from God

15.The word 'contentment' means
a) pleasure
b) faith
c) satisfaction
d) depertment
Ans:- c) satisfaction

16. Lencho went to the post office on
a) Monday
b) Saturday
c) Friday
d) Sunday
Ans:- d) Sunday

17. Lencho dropped the letter into the
a) post box
b) letter box
c) mail box
c) none of the above
Ans:- c) mail box

18.Lencho expected ............ in the letter from God.
a) seventy pesos
b) seventy rupees
c) hundred rupees
d) none of the above
Ans:- d) none of the above

19.Lencho's elder boys were.................
a) playing in the field
b) working in the field
c) working near the house
d) playing near the house
Ans:- b) working in the field

20. "A plague of locusts would have left more than this." Who said this?
a) Lencho
b) Lencho's wife
c) Lencho's elder boys
d) The post naster
Ans:- a) Lencho

21. From the height of Lencho's house one could see............
a) the river
b) the corn field
c) both a and b
d) none of them
Ans:- c) both (a) and (b)

22. Lencho's smaller boys were playing
a) near the house
b) in the field
c) near the river
d) by the hills
Ans:- a)in the field

23. The woman mentioned in the prose piece ' A letter to God ' was Lencho's
a) daughter
b) wife
c) sister
d) mother
Ans:- b) wife

24) By profession Lencho was.........
a) carpenter
b) daily worker
c) both a and b
d) a cultivator
Ans:- d) a cultivator

25) Who read the letter of Lencho?
a) the postman
b) the postmaster
c) the God
d all of the above
Ans:- b) the postmaster


a) Lencho was a poor cultivator.

= True

b) Lencho wrote a letter to God seeking one hundred rupees.

= False

c) Lencho had profound faith in God.

= True

d) Lencho's elder sons were working near the house.

= False

e) Lencho's smaller sons were playing near the house.

= True

f) The postmaster read the letter of Lencho.

= True

g) The postmaster handed the letter to Lencho.

= False

h) The hail rained in the valley for one and half an hour.


i) Lencho's corn field was totally destroyed in the hail storm.

= True

j) Lencho went to the post office in a fine Sunday morning. 


k) Lencho expected one hundred rupees in the letter from God.

= False

l) Lencho received only seventy pesos in the letter from God.


m) The post office employees had taken the rest thirty pesos of Lencho's letter.


o) Lencho call the post office employees a bunch of crooks.

= True

p) The postmaster was a fat and amiable person.


q)Lencho wrote the second letter to God conveying his thanks to God.


r) Lencho had no family of his own.

= False

s)Lencho was a farmer by profession.

= True

t) Lencho's house was situated on the crest of a low hill.


u) Lencho's corn field dotted with flowers always promised a good harvest.


v) Lencho lived in a solitary house.

= True

Write the meaning of the following words

Crest               Top of a hill

Entire             Whole

Downpour       Heavy fall of rain

Shower             Light rain

Intimately        Very closely

Draped              Covered

Locusts              Insects

Faith                   Belief

Profound           Very deep

Conscience        An inner sense of right                                  and wrong

Pesos                   Currency of Latin                                            American

Amiable              Friendly and pleasant

Contentment      Satisfaction

Plague                  Pandemic


* Who was Lencho ?

= Lencho was a poor farmer who wrote a letter to God seeking one hundred pesos.

2) Where did Lencho live ?

= Lencho lived in a solitary house that situated on the crest of a low hill.

3) Who wrote a letter to God ? 

= Lencho wrote a letter to God.

4) How much money did Lencho want from God ?

= Lencho wanted one hundred pesos from God.

5) What is Lencho's profession ?

= Lencho's profession was farming.

6) Who read the letter of Lencho ?

= The postmaster read the letter of Lencho.

7) Who read the letter of Lencho for the  second time ?

= The postmaster read the letter of Lencho for the second time.

8) Who or what did Lencho have faith in ?

= Lencho had profound faith in God.

9) Was Lencho a hard working man ?

= Yes, Lencho was a hard working man.

10) When did the very large hail stones begin to fall ?

=  After the storm, the very large hail stones began to fall along with the rain.

11) How was the field looked after the rain ?

= After the rain the field looked white , as if it was covered with salt.

12) What did Lencho hope for ?

= Lencho hopped for a downpour or at least a shower for his crops.

13) Where were the older boys of Lencho working ?

= The older boys of Lencho were working in the corn field.

14) Where were the smaller boys of Lencho playing ?

= The smaller boys of Lencho were playing near the house.

15) How much money did Lencho expect in the lettet from God ?

= Lencho expected one hundred pesos in the letter from God.

16) From where could one see the river and the field of ripe corn dotted with the flowers ?

= From the height of Lencho's house one could see the river and the field of ripe corn dotted with the flowers.

17) What did Lencho do throughout the morning ?

= Throughout the morning  Lencho did nothing in his corn field but looking at the north east sky.

18) Where did Lencho drop the letter ?

= Lencho dropped the letter in the mailbox .

19) How long did the hail rain?

= The hail rained in the whole valley for an hour.

20) Why was Lencho's soul filled with sadness?

= Lencho's soul was filled with sadness because his cornfield was totally destroyed in the hailstorm.

21) "Lencho thought only of his one hope", ..... What was it?

= The only hope of Lencho was the help from God.

22) What was the peculiar thing about Lencho's house?

= The peculiar thing about Lencho's house was that it was the only house in the entire valley that situated on the crest of a low hill.


a) Who was Lencho ? Where did he live ?

= Lencho was a poor cultivator who had profound faith in God.

            Lencho lived in a solitary house that sat on the crest of a low hill.

b) Why did Lencho go out in the rain ?

= Lencho went out in the rain for no other reason than to have the pleasure of feeling the rain on his body.

c) Describe the destruction caused by the hailstones in Lencho's fields.                = In the hailstorm all the corns of Lencho was totally destroyed . The flowers were gone from the plants and even not a leaf remained on the trees. After all, the hailstorm brought a total destruction to the corn field of Lencho.

d) Why did Lencho say the raindrops were like new coins ?

= Lencho was a poor farmer. His cornfield dotted with flowers always promised a good harvest. The only thing it needed was a downpour or at least a shower. When the big drops of rain began to fall, Lencho thought that the rain would help his crops in yielding excess harvest and when he would sell the excess harvest in the market he would get much money. That is why Lencho compared the raindrops with the new coins.

e) Was Lencho surprised to find a letter for him with money in it?

= No, Lencho was not a bit surprised to find a letter for him with money in it because he was sure that God would help him in his distress and he thought that God himself had sent the money to him.

f) How did the postmaster collect the money to send to Lencho?

= It was not so possible for the postmaster to collect one hundred pesos altogether. So, he asked for some money from his post office employees and requested several friends of him to give something for an act of charity. Moreover, he himself gave a part of his salary. In this way the postmaster collected seventy pesos to send to Lencho.

g) Why did Lencho write a letter to God ?

= Lencho was a poor farmer . His corn field was totally destroyed in the hailstorm. So, Lencho wrote a letter to God seeking one hundred pesos to sow his field again and to live until the crops comes.

g) Did Lencho try to find out who had sent the money to him ?

= No, Lencho did not try to find out who had sent the money to him because he was sure that God would help him in his distress and he thought that it was none but God himself had sent the money to him.

h) How did the rain change? What happened to Lencho's field ?

= The rain suddenly changed into a strong wind and then very large hailstones began to fall along with the rain. 

                    In the hailstones Lencho's cornfield was totally destroyed. Not a leaf remained on the trees and even all the flowers were gone from the plants.

i) What did Lencho write in the first letter to God ?

= Lencho wrote in the first letter to God, " God, if you don't help me, my family and I will go hungry this year. I need a hundred pesos in order to sow my field again and to live until the crop comes, because the hailstorm...... "

j) What did Lencho write in the second letter to God ?

=In the second letter, Lencho wrote, " God: of the money that I asked for , only seventy pesos reached me. Send me the rest , since I need it very much. But don't send it to me through the mail because the post office employees are a bunch of crooks. Lencho."

k) Why did Lencho call the post office employees a bunch of crooks?

= Lencho expected one hundred pesos in the letter from God. But he received only seventy pesos. He was sure that God could neither make a mistake nor deny what Lencho had requested. He thought that the rest thirty pesos of his letter was taken by the post office employees . That is why Lencho called the post office employees a bunch of crooks.

m) Why did Lencho write the second letter to God ?

= Lencho received only seventy pesos in the letter from God. He thought that the rest thirty pesos of his letter was taken by the post office employees. So, Lencho wrote the second letter to God to complain Him against the post office employees and seeking the rest thirty pesos

n) "The only thing, the earth needed...."  What "only thing" did the earth needed ?

= The only thing that the earth needed was a downpour or at least a shower.

O) What were Lencho's  feeling when the hail stopped ?

= The hail totally destroyed Lencho's corn field. When the hail stopped, his soul filled with sadness. He was so upset that he could do nothing but stood in the middle of the field and said to his sons that a plague of locusts would have left more than the hail. 

p) Why does the postmaster send money to Lencho? Why does he sign the letter "God" ?

= The postmaster sends the money to Lencho in order not to shake his profound faith in God. He signs the letter "God"  to make Lencho believe that God Himself has sent the money to him.

q) How did the postmaster help Lencho ?
= The postmaster was a fat and amiable person. He was very surprised to see the faith of Lencho in God. In order not to shake Lencho's faith in God, he wanted to help him. But he had not so much money to send to him. So, he collected some money from the post office employees and several friends of him. He himself gave a part of his salary, and was able to send seventy pesos to him. In this way the postmaster helped Lencho.

r) What did the postmaster do after he had received Lencho's letter ?
= After receiving the letter of Lencho, the postmaster came up with an idea to reply to his letter. The postmaster was fascinated to see the profound faith of Lencho in God, and so he made up his mind to reply to his letter.

s) "Lencho's soul was filled with sadness." Why ?
= Lencho was a poor farmer. His soul was filled with sadness because his cornfield dotted with flowers was totally destroyed in the hail stones in front of his eyes.

t) Do you think that the way Lencho had kept faith in God is reasonable ?
= Yes, I think that the way Lencho had faith in God is reasonable. Because when the hailstorm destroyed the cornfield of Lencho, he had no one to help him. He was helpless. He had only one  single hope and it was the help from God. If Lencho had not written the letter to God, the postmaster would not have come to know about his plight and was not impressed to help a man like Lencho having so much faith in God.

u) Do you think that Lencho was a selfish man ?
= No, I never think that Lencho was a selfish man. Though Lencho called the post office employees a bunch of crooks , he can not be considered as a selfish man. Because he did not know that the post office employees had helped him in his distress. He thought that it was God who helped him.


1) Why did Lencho's son go out in the rain?

= Lencho's son went out in the rain in order to collect the frozen pearls.

2) Who lived in a solitary house?

= Lencho lived in a solitary house.

3)Who does Lencho think has taken the rest of the money?

= Lencho thinks that the post office employees have taken the rest of the money.

4) What did the postmaster do in order not to shake Lencho's faith in God?

=In order not to shake Lencho's faith in God the postmaster wanted to reply to his letter.

5)What did the corn field of Lencho promise?

= The corn field of Lencho always promised a good harvest.

6) With what did Lencho compare the big drops of rain?

= Lencho compared the big drops of rain with ten cent pieces.

7) " It's really getting bad now " - What was getting bad and how ?

= The rain was getting bad. It suddenly changed into a strong wind and then the very large hailstones began to fall along with the rain.


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