A Tiger in the Zoo by Leslie Norris( Questions and answers)


 * Word                   Meaning 

a) Stalks          Walk slowly

b) Vivid            Bright / Clear

c) Quiet             Calm / Silent

d) Rage              Violent anger

e) Plump            Fat

f) Lurking          Hiding

g) Snarling         Roaring

h) Baring            Showing

i) Fangs                Teeth

j) Claws                 Nails

k) Terrorising     Frightening

l) Brilliant            Very bright

m) Concrete         Made of sand and stone


a) Where does the tiger stalk?

= The tiger stalks in a concrete cell on soft velvet.

b) Where should the tiger be lurking ?

= The tiger should be lurking in shadow near the water hole sliding through long grass.

c) What is a Water hole ?

= Water hole is a natural source of water in a forest or jungle where the animals come to quench their thirst.

d) Why do the animals come to the Water hole ?

= The animals come to the water hole to quench their thirst.

e) Where should the tiger be snarling ?

= The tiger should be snarling around the houses at the jungle edge.

f) Where is the tiger kept after being captured ?

= After being captured the tiger is kept in a man made concrete cell.

g) Whom does the tiger terrorise ?

= The tiger terrorises the villagers who live in the houses at the jungle edge.

h) Where does the tiger stare with its brilliant eyes ?

= The tiger stares with its brilliant eyes at the brilliant stars in the sky.

i) What does the tiger hear at night ?

= At night the tiger hears the last voice of the patrolling cars.

k) Why should the tiger be lurking near the water hole ?

= The tiger should be lurking near the water hole for plump deer.

Question answer for two marks.

a) How does the tiger terrorise the villagers ?

= The tiger terrorises the villagers by snarling around their houses and by baring its white fangs and claws.

b) What could the tiger have been doing if it were in its natural habitat ?

= If the tiger were in its natural habitat , it would have been lurking in shadow near the water hole for its prey and terrorising the villagers by snarling around their houses. Moreover, it would have been playing and roaming under the open sky along with its friends.

c) Why does the tiger ignore the visitors ?

= The tiger ignores the visitors because it is caged in a man made concrete cell and it can't show its strength like the other animals in the jungle.

d) Who hears the last voice and of what ?

= The tiger caged in a man made concrete cell hears the last voice of the patrolling cars at night.


            Cage            Rage

            Grass          Pass

            Edge           Village   

            Bars           Visitors  

            Cars           Stars   

Read the following lines and answer the questions that follow.

" He stalks in his vivid stripes

   The few steps of his cage,

   On pads of velvet quiet

    In his quiet rage."


a) Name the poet and the poem of these above lines.

= Leslie Norris is the poet and " A Tiger in the Zoo " is the poem of these above lines.

b) Who is 'he' referred to here?

= Here 'he' is referred to the tiger caged in a man made concrete cell.

c) Where does he stalk ?

= He stalks in a cage where he is kept after being captured.

B) He should be snarling around houses

    At the jungle's edge,

    Baring his white fangs, his claws

    Terrorising the village !


a) Where should the tiger be snarling ?

= The tiger should be snarling around the houses of the villagers who live at the jungle's edge.

b) Whom does the tiger threaten ?

= The tiger threatens the villagers who live at the jungle's edge.

e) How does the Tiger terrorise the villagers ?

= The tiger terrorises the villagers by snarling around their houses.


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